IBM Streams Quick Start for SPL

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This guide will help you get up and running with Streams and Streams Processing Language (SPL).

1. Run your first application

Learn how to compile and deploy a Streams application. You can run your application with a local installation of Streams or with Streams running in IBM Cloud or IBM Cloud Pak for Data.

2. Learn Streams Concepts

What’s an operator? What is a tuple? Follow the SPL Quick Start to learn key Streams and SPL concepts.

3. Learn how to monitor your applications

Learn about the tools for managing a running application.

4. Start developing your own application

  • Tips for creating SPL applications from scratch

    Now that you have followed a sample and are a bit familiar with the IDE, review these guidelines on how to create your own applications.

  • Hands-on tutorials

    Step by step instructions to create a Streams application. Complete the tutorial for your IDE:

  • Finding sample code

    Once you are more comfortable with SPL development, where can you find sample code to create your own applications?

    • The Streams samples catalog is a searchable database of over 150 examples.


      Click Download zip to download the sample, then import into your editor.

    • Most toolkits on GitHub will have a samples folder included in the release. Download the toolkit release and import one or more of the samples into your IDE. Most toolkits will have information in the on how to run the samples.

    • Visit the Streams page on IBM Community for articles and tutorials.

5. Getting help