Building edge applications

The Edge Analytics beta for IBM Cloud Pak for Data introduces the Edge Analytics service and an enhanced Streams service with development tools to enable users to develop and build edge analytic applications.

For more information, see Moving analytics to the edge with Edge Analytics.

Before you begin

Test the Streams application before you build it as an edge application. For example, you can run the application in the Cloud Pak for Data environment to ensure that it works as expected. After the job works as expected on the Cloud Pak for Data environment, you can build the application as an edge application.


  1. Add your Streams 5.4.0 service instance (or above) to the Streams Explorer in VS Code if you haven’t already.
  2. Right-click on a .sab file, Makefile file, or .spl file and select Build Edge Application Image.

    Important: If you select a .sab file, it must have been compiled against the Streams service for the Edge Analytics beta. Existing .sab files may not function properly if deployed as an edge application.

  3. Follow the prompts to configure the build. Refer to the supported build configuration properties. Then, submit the build.

Watch and learn: This video demonstrates how to build an edge application.


After a build is complete, an edge application image with the specified image name and image tag is stored in the OpenShift internal registry. The image name and tag are used when you package your edge application image for deployment.

The fully qualified edge application image name has the following format, where curly braces {} indicate optional fields:


Specific information about the image can be found in the build output channel. Example:

  "build": "",
  "id": "0",
  "imageDigest": "sha256:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01",
  "imageName": "your-image-name",
  "imagePrefix": "yourNamespace",
  "imageRegistry": "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000",
  "imageTag": "your-image-tag",
  "name": "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/yourNamespace/yourImage: yourImageTag",
  "resourceType": "artifact",
  "restid": "0",
  "self": "",
  "type": "streamsDockerImage"

The internal name of the default registry depends on the environment:

  • OpenShift 3.11:
  • OpenShift 4.3:

The default external route to the registry service depends on the environment:

  • OpenShift 3.11:

    Where the public_IP_of_the_machine is the IP address of the bastion node or the host that has access to the OpenShift cluster. The route is in the default project or namespace.

  • OpenShift 4.3:

    Where the public_IP_of_the_machine is the IP address of the bastion node or the host that has access to the OpenShift cluster. The route is in the openshift-image-registry project or namespace.

What to do next

Before you can deploy this edge application, you must either package it as:

  • An edge application package for IBM Cloud Pak for Data: Create a package with an image reference of {imageName}:{imageTag}.
  • A service for IBM Edge Application Manager: Create a service where my_image_short_name is the imageName, and my_tag is the imageTag.

The image name (imageName) and image tag (imageTag) are the values provided during the build configuration and are displayed in the build output channel.

For more information, see Packaging an Edge Analytics application or service for deployment.

Build configuration properties

Use build configuration properties in a JSON file to customize an edge application image build. Example:

  "applicationBundles": [
      "application": "sample.Main.sab"
      "application": "",
      "applicationCredentials": {
        "user": "user",
        "password": "password",
        "bearerToken": "token"
  "baseImage": "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/imagePrefix/baseImageName:baseImageTag",
  "image": "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/imagePrefix/imageName:imageTag",
  "pipPackages": ["package-name-1", "package-name-2"],
  "rpms": ["rpm-name-1", "rpm-name-2"],
  "locales": ["en_US", "fr_FR"],
  "imageLabels": {
    "label1": "value1",
    "label2": "value2"
Property Description
applicationBundles Identifies one or more application bundles (.sab) that are to be included in the Docker image. An application can be a URL that can be used to download the application bundle or a relative path in the build archive (if one is provided).
baseImage Specifies the complete base image path instead of using all the individual pieces.
buildArguments Identifies arguments to be sent to the Dockerfile. This is only useful if you are providing your own Dockerfile in the build archive.
defaultApplication Indicates what the default application in the image is if there are multiple application bundles (.sab). The value is the name of the .sab file without the .sab extension. Setting it to an application that is not built into the image or not setting it when there are multiple application bundles will cause the build to fail. If it is not set and there are no application bundles, the image will not have a default application. If it is not set and there is one application bundle, that application will be the default.
image Specifies the complete image path instead of using all the individual pieces.
imageLabels Identifies labels that are to be added to the image being created.
locales Identifies one or more locales that are to be included in the image. The first item in the list is the “default” locale. The locales are identified in the Java format: <language>_<country>_<variant>.
noCache Indicates whether cache is turned off when building the image. The default value is: false.
pipPackages Identifies one or more Python install packages that are to be included in the image.
rpms Identifies one or more Linux RPM packages that are to be included in the image.
squash Indicates whether layers should be squashed in the final image. The default value is: true.