KafkaConsumer operator design

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The KafkaConsumer operator is used to consume messages from Kafka topics. The operator can be configured to consume messages from one or more topics, as well as consume messages from specific partitions within topics. The operator can also participate in a Kafka consumer group.

Apache Kafka - Supported Version

These operators will only support Apache Kafka v0.10.2 and newer. For older versions of Kafka, it is recommended that the Kafka operators from the com.ibm.streamsx.messaging toolkit be used.

Supported SPL Types

The operator supports the following SPL types for the key and message attributes:

  • rstring
  • int32/int64
  • uint32/uint64
  • float32/float64
  • blob


Parameter Name Default Description
propertiesFile   Specifies the name of the properties file containing Kafka properties.
appConfigName   Specifies the name of the application configuration containing Kafka properties.
startPosition Default Specifies whether the operator should start reading from the end of the topic, or start reading all messages from the beginning of the topic. Valid options include: Default, Beginning, End, Time, and Offset. If not specified, the default value is Default.
startTime   This parameter is only used when the startPosition parameter is set to Time. Then the operator will begin reading records from the earliest offset whose timestamp is greater than or equal to the timestamp specified by this parameter. If no offsets are found, then the operator will begin reading messages from what is is specified by the auto.offset.reset consumer property, which is latest as default value. The timestamp must be given as an ‘int64’ type in milliseconds since Unix epoch.
startOffset   This parameter indicates the start offset that the operator should begin consuming messages from. In order for this parameter’s values to take affect, the startPosition parameter must be set to Offset. Furthermore, the specific partition(s) that the operator should consume from must be specified via the partition parameter.
topic   Specifies the topic or topics that the consumer should subscribe to. To assign the consumer to specific partitions, use the partition parameter.
pattern   Specifies a pattern matching subscribed topics.
groupId random generated The consumer group that the consumer belongs to
clientId random generated The client ID
partition   Specifies the partitions that the consumer should be assigned to for each of the topics specified. It should be noted that using this parameter will “assign” the consumer to the specified topics, rather than “subscribe” to them. This implies that the consumer will not use Kafka’s group management feature.
outputKeyAttributeName “key” Specifies the output attribute name that should contain the key. If not specified, the operator will attempt to store the message in an attribute named ‘key’.
outputMessageAttributeName “message” Specifies the output attribute name that will contain the message. If not specified, the operator will attempt to store the message in an attribute named ‘message’.
outputTopicAttributeName “topic” Specifies the output attribute name that should contain the topic. If not specified, the operator will attempt to store the message in an attribute named ‘topic’.
outputPartitionAttributeName “partition” Specifies the output attribute name that should contain the partition number. If not specified, the operator will attempt to store the partition number in an attribute named ‘partition’. The attribute must have the SPL type int32 or uint32.
outputOffsetAttributeName “offset” Specifies the output attribute name that should contain the offset. If not specified, the operator will attempt to store the message in an attribute named ‘offset’. The attribute must have the SPL type int64 or uint64.
outputTimestampAttributeName “messageTimestamp” Specifies the output attribute name that should contain the record’s timestamp. It is presented in milliseconds since Unix epoch.If not specified, the operator will attempt to store the message in an attribute named ‘messageTimestamp’. The attribute must have the SPL type int64 or uint64.
userLib ‘[application_dir]/etc/libs’ Allows the user to specify paths to JAR files that should be loaded into the operators classpath. This is useful if the user wants to be able to specify their own partitioners. The value of this parameter can either point to a specific JAR file, or to a directory. In the case of a directory, the operator will load all files ending in *.jar into the classpath. By default, this parameter will load all jar files found in /etc/libs.
triggerCount   This parameter specifies the number of messages that will be submitted to the output port before initiating a checkpoint. The operator retrieves batches of messages from Kafka, and the consistent region is only started after all messages in the batch have been submitted. The implication of this is that more tuples maybe submitted by the operator before a consistent region is triggered. This parameter is only used if the operator is the start of a consistent region.
commitPeriod 5.0 This parameter specifies a time interval in seconds for committing offsets of submitted tuples. This parameter is only used when the operator is not part of a consistent region. When the operator participates in a consistent region, offsets are always committed when the region drains.
commitCount 2000 This parameter specifies the number of tuples that will be submitted to the output port before committing their offsets. This parameter is only used when the operator is not part of a consistent region. When the operator participates in a consistent region, offsets are always committed when the region drains.

Automatic deserialization

The operator will automatically select the appropriate deserializers for the key and message based on their types. The following table outlines which deserializer will be used given a particular type:

Deserializer SPL Types
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer rstring
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerDeserializer int32, uint32
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer int64, uint64
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.DoubleDeserializer float64
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.FloatDeserializer float32
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer blob

All these deserializers are extended by a corresponding wrapper that catches SerializationException.

Users can override this behaviour and specify which deserializer to use by setting the key.deserializer and value.deserializer properties.

Kafka’s Group Management

The operator is capable of taking advantage of Kafka’s group management functionality. In order for the operator to use this functionality, the following requirements must be met

  • A group-ID must be specified by the user. This can be done by using the groupId parameter or the group.id consumer property in an app option or property file.
  • None of the topics specified by the topics parameter can specify which partition to be assigned to, i.e. the partition parameter must not be used.
  • For toolkit versions below 2.0.0: The startPosition parameter must be Default or not specified when the operator is not within a consistent region.
  • When in consistent region, the toolkit version must be 1.5.0 or higher. Older toolkits do not support consumer groups when in consistent region.

The custom metric isGroupManagementActive indicates whether the operator is part of a consumer group. Then the metric’s value is 1.

Consistent Region Support

The operator can be in a consistent region and can be the start of a consistent region. The operator behaves as follows during the consistent region stages:


The operator stops submitting tuples and stops polling for new Kafka messages. The offsets of the submitted tuples are committed synchronously.


The operator will save the last offset position that the KafkaConsumer client retrieved messages from. During reset, the operator will consume records starting from this offset position. After checkpointing, the operator will start consuming messages from the Kafka broker and buffer them internally. When the operator acquires a permit to submit tuples, it starts submitting tuples.


The operator will seek to the offset position saved in the checkpoint. The operator will begin consuming records starting from this position.


The first time the operator was started, the initial offset that the KafkaConsumer client would begin reading from was stored in the JCP operator. When resetToInitialState() is called, the operator will retrieve this initial offset from the JCP and seek to this position. The operator will begin consume records starting from this position.

For details about the consistent region handling when operators are a group of consumers, read this article.

Input Ports

The operator has a control input port, that can be used to add or remove subscription or to (manually) assign and de-assign topic partitions with offsets from which the operator is to consume tuples. When the operator is configured with the optional input port, the parameters topic, pattern, partition, startPosition and related must not be used. When a topic subscription is added via control port, Kafka’s group management is enabled. Topic partitions are assigned by Kafka. When individual partitions are assigned via control port, group management is disabled.

Assignments and subscriptions via control port cannot be mixed. Note, that it is not possible to use both assignment and subscription, it is also not possible to subscribe after a previous assignment and unassignment, and vice versa.

Use of control port in consistent region is deprecated and not recommended. Managing subscriptions via control port is not supported in consistent regions. Managing partition assignments is supported in a consistent region.

Output Ports

The operator has a single output port. Each individual record retrieved from each of the Kafka topics will be submitted as a tuple to this output port. The outputKeyAttributeName, outputMessageAttributeName and outputTopicAttributeName parameters are used to specify the attributes that will contain the record contents.

Error Handling

Exception due to poll()

Exception Handling
SerializationException The Kafka message is dropped, and a metric is increased. This exception can happen if there is a message on the queue that the Consumer is unable to deserialize with the specified deserializer. See also KAFKA-4740
InvalidOffsetException It is unlikely that this exception will be encountered. If this is encountered, a RuntimeException will be thrown resulting in the operator restarting.
WakeupException Should not be encountered as there is no place in the code where KafkaConsumer.wakeup() is being called. If for some reason this exception is encountered, a RuntimeException will be thrown, causing the operator to restart.
InterruptException A RuntimeException exception will be thrown, causing the operator to restart.
KafkaException This is described as a catch-all for unrecoverable errors (both existing and future errors). As this is described as “unrecoverable”, the operator will throw a RuntimeException.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Only occurs if the timeout value set on poll() is negative. Since the timeout is controlled internally, this exception should not occur
java.lang.IllegalStateException Only occurs if the operator is not subscribed to any topics or manually assigned to any partitions. The operator will perform internal checks to make sure that at least one topic is being subscribed (assigned) to. Therefore, this exception should not occur.
