Difference between Kafka toolkit v2.x and v3.x

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The toolkit version 3 has four potentially breaking changes:

  1. The minimum required Streams version is 4.3. For older Streams versions, please use toolkit version 2.x.
  2. When the KafkaConsumer is used with input port and one of the parameters topic, pattern, partition, or startPosition is used, the SPL compiler raises an error. Remove these parameters when the operator is configured with an input port.
  3. The guaranteeOrdering parameter of the KafkaProducer operator is incompatible with Kafka version less than 0.11. When guaranteed record order within a partition is required with older Kafka servers, users must set the producer config max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1 instead of using the guaranteeOrdering parameter.
  4. The default isoloation.level of the KafkaConsumer is now read_committed. This breaks applications consuming from Kafka with a version older than 0.11. Users consuming from Kafka older than 0.11 must use the isolation.level=read_uncommitted consumer configuration.

For compatible changes, please visit the CHANGELOG.
