KafkaProducer operator design

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The KafkaProducer operator is used to produce messages on Kafka topics. The operator can be configured to produce messages to one or more topics.

Apache Kafka - Supported Version

These operators will only support Apache Kafka v0.10.2 and newer. For older versions of Kafka, it is recommended that the Kafka operators from the com.ibm.streamsx.messaging toolkit be used.

Supported SPL Types

The operator supports the following SPL types for the key and message attributes:

  • rstring
  • int32/int64
  • uint32/uint64
  • float32/float64
  • blob


Parameter Name Default Description
clientId random generated the client ID
propertiesFile   Specifies the name of the properties file containing Kafka properties.
appConfigName   Specifies the name of the application configuration containing Kafka properties.
userLib ‘[application_dir]/etc/libs’ Allows the user to specify paths to JAR files that should be loaded into the operators classpath. This is useful if the user wants to be able to specify their own partitioners. The value of this parameter can either point to a specific JAR file, or to a directory. In the case of a directory, the operator will load all files ending in *.jar into the classpath. By default, this parameter will load all jar files found in /etc/libs.
topic   Specifies the topic(s) that the producer should send messages to. The value of this parameter will take precedence over the topicAttrName parameter. This parameter will also take precedence if the input tuple schema contains an attribute named topic.
messageAttribute “message” Specifies the attribute on the input port that contains the message payload. If not specified, the operator will look for an input attribute named “message”. If this parameter is not specified and there is no input attribute named “message”, the operator will throw an exception and terminate.
keyAttribute “key” Specifies the input attribute that contains the Kafka key value. If not specified, the operator will look for an input attribute named “key”.
topicAttribute “topic” Specifies the input attribute that contains the name of the topic that the message should be written to. If this parameter is not specified, the operator will attempt to look for an input attribute named topic. This parameter value is overridden if the topic parameter is specified.
timestampAttribute “messageTimestamp” Specifies the attribute on the input port that contains the timestamp for the message. If not specified, the operator will look for an input attribute named messageTimestamp. If this parameter is not specified and there is no input attribute named messageTimestamp, the operator will use the timestamp provided by Kafka (broker config log.message.timestamp.type=\[CreateTime\|LogAppendTime\]).
partitionAttribute “partition” Specifies the input attribute that contains the partition number that the message should be written to. If this parameter is not specified, the operator will look for an input attribute named partition. If the user does not indicate which partition the message should be written to, then Kafka’s default partitioning strategy will be used instead (partition based on the specified partitioner or in a round-robin fashion).
consistentRegionPolicy AtLeastOnce Enables at least once or transactional producer in consistent region
flush 0 Flushes the producer every N tuples, i.e. makes all accumulated batches ready to send and sends them. When not set or less than 1, the flush is adaptive dependent on buffer utilization and flush duration.

Automatic Serialization

The operator will automatically select the appropriate serializers for the key and message based on their types. The following table outlines which serializer will be used given a particular type:

Serializer SPL Types
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer rstring
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer int32, uint32
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongSerializer int64, uint64
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.DoubleSerializer float64
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.FloatSerializer float32
org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer blob

Users can override this behaviour and specify which serializer to use by setting the key.serializer and value.serializer properties.

Input Ports

The operator will have a single input port. The messageAttrName, partitionAttribute, topicAttribute, timestampAttribute, and keyAttrName parameters are used to specify the input attributes that contain the message and key values, respectively. Each tuple received by this operator will be written to the topic.

Output Ports

Since toolkit version 2.2.0, the operator can be configured with an optional output port for status tuples. Dependent on the outputErrorsOnly parameter, the operator submits tuples only for failed input tuples or for each input tuple. The stream schema must contain one tuple attribute that mirrors the input tuple, and one attribute that contains an optional error description for failed input tuples. Details can be found in the SPL documentation.

Consistent Region Strategy

The operator can be part of a consistent region, however it cannot be the start of a consistent region. The operator is capable of supporting at least once message delivery semantics and transactional message delivery. On drain, the producer operator is flushed, i.e. all accumulated records are immediately sent.

Error Handling

Synchronous exceptions due to send()

Exception Handling
InterruptException Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart
SerializationException Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart
TimeoutException - Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart
KafkaException - Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart

Asynchronous exceptions caught in Callback

Exception Handling
InvalidTopicException Fatal, non-retriable. Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart.
OffsetMetadataTooLargeException Fatal, non-retriable. Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart.
RecordBatchTooLargeException Fatal, non-retriable. Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart.
RecordTooLargeException Fatal, non-retriable. Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart.
UnknownServerException Fatal, non-retriable. Rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart.
CorruptRecordException Retriable (if retries > 0). If caught in callback, rethrow the exception, causing operator to restart.
