
Settings are used to configure this extension. You can view and edit the settings by opening the Settings editor and searching for IBM Streams.

Name Description Default
Environment: Refresh Interval (number) Interval in minutes at which an IBM Streams instance is automatically refreshed. 5
Environment: Timeout for Requests (number) Timeout in seconds before a request times out. 60
Environment: Toolkit Paths (string) Specifies paths to directories, comma or semicolon separated, containing additional IBM Streams toolkits. /path/to/toolkits/directory
Log Level (string) Log level for the extension.
  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • trace
Server: Mode (string) Controls how the SPL language server runs. Running the server in embedded mode is recommended unless you are experiencing issues with SPL language features.
  • embedded: runs using an embedded server
  • socket: runs a separate server using a socket
If you choose to run the server in socket mode and you have multiple VS Code windows open, you must use different port values for the Server: Port setting in the workspace settings for each window. Otherwise, the SPL language server will fail to start.
Server: Port (number) The port where the SPL language server runs when Server: Mode is socket. 5007
Trace: Server (string) Traces the communication between VS Code and the SPL language server.
  • off: tracing turned off
  • verbose: tracing turned on