UIMA pear file usage

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Getting started with UIMA PEAR files

How to integrate UIMA PEAR files

This guide helps you in the scenario, that you have a UIMA PEAR file and you need to know the supported annotation types before writing an application with the UimaText operator.

The script createTypes.pl in com.ibm.streamsx.nlp/bin directory generates a file containing the annotation types as SPL types from the metadata of an UIMA pear file.

The following instructions show you, how to generate SPL files with the script createTypes.pl from command line:

Prepare the project directory

Clone the repository and set the path to the streamsx.nlp repository.

 export NLP_HOME=<path_to_the_streamsx.nlp_repository>

Create a project directory

 mkdir uimapear
 cd uimapear
 mkdir etc
 mkdir data

Place your UIMA PEAR file into the etc directory. In this guide we select the PEAR file and a sample input file from a sample project.

 cp $NLP_HOME/samples/UimaTextGeneratedTypes/etc/troubleful9.pear etc/
 cp $NLP_HOME/samples/UimaTextGeneratedTypes/opt/input.txt data/


 $NLP_HOME/com.ibm.streamsx.nlp/bin/createTypes.pl --pearFile etc/troubleful9.pear --outputfile Types.spl --main Main

The script has generated two files in your project directory:

  • Main.spl (sample application using the com.ibm.streamsx.nlp::UimaText operator)
  • Types.spl (types generated out the pear file)

Build the SPL application

 sc -M Main -t $NLP_HOME/com.ibm.streamsx.nlp --data-directory data

Launch the application


The application processes the input.txt files and creates a out.txt file in the data directory.

 cat data/out.txt
