Getting Started

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Download and build the toolkit yourself from the source.

Directory structure

  1. - the toolkit directory containing the operators, functions and libraries
  2. samples - Sample projects demonstrating the usage of each toolkit operator and function
  3. setup - File for the installation procedure of required modules
  4. test - Test suits for regression and performance tests.

Building the toolkit

The toolkit needs to be build before you can use it in a SPL application.

To build the toolkit libraries, cd to the folder and run the make command:

make all


The toolkit operators ContentClassification and LinearClassification require Python 2.7 be installed.

To install the required and verified extra modules, cd to the setup folder and run the install command:

(sudo) pip install -r requirements_2.7.txt

In the IBM Streams 4.2 Quick Start Edition VM, cd to the setup folder and run the install command:


Running the sample applications

To build and launch a sample application, cd to the samples/<SAMPLE_APP> folder and run the commands:

make all

<SAMPLE_APP> is one of the sub-directories of the samples folder, e.g. UimaTextSample.

Generate the documentation

Call make make-doc in the directory to generate the toolkit documentation pages. Open the index.html file with your browser in the folder to view the toolkit reference documentation.

Running the test cases

Call ./ -f alltests.txt in the test directory to perform the regression test. This compiles and launches each sample application and verifies the resulting output. At the end of the test run, the result is printed to the terminal output.
