Operator Design

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This toolkit contains two operators to enable easier connectivity to the IBM Event Streams cloud service. These operators include:

  • MessageHubConsumer - this operator is a wrapper around the KafkaConsumer operator (design documentation).
  • MessageHubProducer - this operator is a wrapper around the KafkaProducer operator (design documentation).

The goal of these operators is to make connectivity to the IBM Event Streams service as simple as possible and with minimal setup from the user.

To accomplish this goal, the operators provides the following functionality:

  • Sets a default value for the appConfigName parameter to eventstreams.
  • In addition to setting a default value for the appConfigName parameter, the operator looks for a special property named eventstreams.creds in the application configuration. Users can store the entire Event Streams credentials JSON in this property. The operator parses the JSON and automatically configures all of the necessary properties in order to connect to the Event Streams service.
  • A parameter called credentialsFile allows the user to store the Event Streams credentials JSON in a file rather than in an application configuration. This parameter is useful for users who want to test and debug their applications.
  • The parameter credentials can be used to specify the credentials JSON string, for example as a submission time parameter.

The priority of the above options is

  1. credentials operator parameter (both file and application config are ignored)
  2. credentials stored in a file, also when the default filename etc/eventstreams.json is used (application config is ignored)
  3. application configuration

Users can specify connectivity properties (i.e. reconnect.backoff.max.ms, reconnect.backoff.ms, etc) in an application configuration like for the streamsx.kafka toolkit. When doing so, the application configuration name must be specified by using the appConfigName parameter - even when the application configuration has the default name eventstreams.


Parameter Name Default Description
credentials - Specifies the credentials of the Event Streams cloud service instance in JSON.
credentialsFile etc/eventstreams.json Specifies the name of the file that contains the entire Event Streams credentials JSON. By default, this parameter will look for a file named eventstreams.json in the applications etc directory.
appConfigName eventstreams Specifies the name of the application configuration that contains the entire Event Streams credentials JSON.
