Toolkit Usage Overview

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The Kafka toolkit contains two operators, the KafkaConsumer, and the KafkaProducer. The KafkaConsumer operator consumes messages from a Kafka topic and creates Tuples which are processed by other downstream operators of the Streams application. It is a source operator within your Streams application.

The KafkaProducer operator creates Kafka messages from tuples and acts therefore as a sink operator within your Streams application.

For the KafkaConsumer there is a one-to-one relationship between Kafka messages and tuples. For the KafkaProducer, there can be a relation of one-to-many between tuples and Kafka messages when multiple topics are specified. Read more about how to use these operators in the SPL documentation.

Kafka client versions

The Kafka toolkit contains the Java Kafka clients package. Which toolkit version ships with which kafka-clients version, can be found in the following table.

Kafka toolkit version kafka-clients version
3.2.x 2.5.1
3.0.x - 3.1.x 2.3.1
2.x 2.2.1
1.9.x 2.1.1
1.3.0 - 1.8.x 1.0.0
1.1.0 - 1.2.x
1.0.0 0.10.2

Common consumer patterns and use cases

Use of consistent region

Kafka itself has the capability of at-least-once delivery from producers to consumers. To keep this delivery semantics within Streams applications consuming messages from Kafka topics, it is recommended to consider using a consistent region within the Streams application unless used operators do not support consistent region.



  • One consumer operator consumes messages from one single topic with a string message, for example a JSON message
  • For a production environment, the consumer starts consuming at the default start position
  • Kafka guarantees no ordering of messages accross partitions.

There are three standard patterns for Streams reading messages from Kafka.

  • All partitions - A single KafkaConsumer invocation consumes all messages from all partitions of a topic
  • Kafka consumer group - the partitions of a topic are automatically assigned to multiple KafkaConsumer invocations for consumption
  • Assigned partitions - Multiple KafkaConsumer invocations with each invocation assigned specific partitions.

The KafkaConsumer operator needs a configuration with Kafka consumer properties. These can be specified in a property file or in an application configuration. The following examples use a property file in the etc directory of the application’s toolkit. Some operator parameters, like groupId, and clientId map directly to properties. Other properties are adjusted by the operator. Which one, can be reviewed in the SPL documentation of the operators.

Property file example

# property files can also contain comments and empty lines

# a consumer group identifier can also specified via 'groupId' operator parameter

