FileStreamSample sample application for IBM Streams Runner for Apache Beam

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You can use the IBM® Streams Runner for Apache Beam FileStreamSample sample application to learn how to use IBM Cloud object storage for file input and output.

Before you start

Before you run the Apache Beam 2.4 FileStreamSample sample application, you must configure and run the following services on IBM Cloud®:

Important: If you want to compile your application on IBM Cloud, you must unset the STREAMS_INSTALL variable before you submit the application to the Streaming Analytics service.

Running the sample application

These instructions assume that you have already set up and run other samples on the Streaming Analytics service on IBM Cloud.

  1. Go to the examples directory in Streams Runner and set up environment variables for the runner:

     cd <installdir>/examples
     . bin/
  2. Set the service credentials environment variables as follows:
    • VCAP_SERVICES: The path to the VCAP file that contains your Streaming Analytics service credentials.
    • STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE_NAME: The service name within the VCAP file.

    For example:

     export VCAP_SERVICES=$HOME/sample.vcap
     export STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE_NAME="sample-service"
  3. Run the FileStreamSample Beam application by entering the following command:

    mvn exec:java -Ps3 \
      -Dexec.classpathScope=compile -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false \ \
      -Dexec.args="--runner=StreamsRunner --contextType=STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE \
     --jarsToStage=target/dependency/*amazon*jar:target/dependency/*aws*jar \
     --filesToStage='{\"\" : \"sample/\"}' \
     --awsServiceEndpoint='' \
     --input=streams://sample/ --output=s3://username-beam-bucket/readme.copy \
     --awsCredentialsProvider='{\"@type\" : \"AWSStaticCredentialsProvider\", \
       \"awsAccessKeyId\" : \"$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\", \"awsSecretKey\" : \"$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\"}'"

    The command submits the application to the Streaming Analytics Service, copies the file to object storage, and then exits. If it does not submit the application successfully, check your VCAP_SERVICES and STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE_NAME variables. If the application submits but does not complete, download and inspect the job logs from the Streams Console on IBM Cloud.

    The command is similar to the one that is used in the for this sample application, but there are a few important differences:

    • The --filesToStage option is used to move the local file to the runtime environment on IBM Cloud to be used as input for the sample. Alternatively, you can upload this file to your Cloud Object Storage service by using the web UI or command line and reference it with the s3:// scheme. Using the -filesToStage option eliminates this extra step.
    • The --input option uses the streams:// scheme to refer to the file.
    • The --output option uses the s3:// scheme to direct the application to write the output file into an object named in a container named username-beam-bucket.

    When the job completes successfully, the Streams Console shows the job as healthy (green) and the copied file is available in the Cloud Object Storage object management page.

    Result file shown in the object storage bucket

    Remember: Whether the job is successful, it continues to run on the Streaming Analytics service to allow for inspection by the Streams Console. When you are done with this tutorial, make sure to use the Streams Console to cancel any jobs that you started.