I/O sample applications for IBM Streams Runner for Apache Beam

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You can use the IBM® Streams Runner for Apache Beam I/O sample applications to learn how to use IBM Message Hub® for input and output. Message Hub sample applications are provided in the $STREAMS_RUNNER_HOME/examples/iodirectory.

Before you start

Before you run the Apache Beam 2.4 I/O sample applications, you must configure and run the following service on IBM Cloud®:

Running the sample application

  1. Go to the $STREAMS_RUNNER_HOME/examples/io directory.
  2. In the io directory, compile the I/O sample apps into an uber JAR file by entering the following command:

    mvn package

    The beam-examples-io-<runner-version>.jar uber JAR file is generated in the $STREAMS_RUNNER_HOME/examples/io/target directory.

  3. Start the producer by running the following command:
    java -cp $STREAMS_BEAM_TOOLKIT/lib/com.ibm.streams.beam.translation.jar:target/beam-examples-io-<runner-version>.jar \
         --runner=StreamsRunner \
         --contextType=DISTRIBUTED \
         --jarsToStage=target/beam-examples-io-<runner-version>.jar \
         --topic=<your message hub topic> \
         --cred=<path to the message hub credential file>
  4. Start the consumer by running the following command:
      java -cp $STREAMS_BEAM_TOOLKIT/lib/com.ibm.streams.beam.translation.jar:target/beam-examples-io-<runner-version>.jar \
         --runner=StreamsRunner \
         --contextType=DISTRIBUTED \
         --jarsToStage=target/beam-examples-io-<runner-version>.jar \
         --topic=<your message hub topic> \
         --cred=<path to the message hub credential file>
  5. If both the producer and the consumer are running correctly, the consumer prints numbers to System.out, one integer per line.