Installing IBM Streams Runner for Apache Beam from an IBM Streams on-premises installation

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Installing IBM® Streams Runner for Apache Beam from an installation of IBM Streams involves extracting the Streams Runner toolkit and configuring environment variables.

Before you start

The on-premises installation of Streams Runner supports Apache Beam 2.4 applications, so your application must use the Apache Beam SDK for Java API version 2.4.

Before you run the installation program, ensure that the STREAMS_INSTALL environment variable is set. If it is not, you can set it in the bash shell by using the cd command to change to the Streams installation directory and entering the following command:

. bin/

Installing and configuring Streams Runner

  1. Go to a directory where you have permission to create files.
  2. Extract the toolkit by entering the following command, where <runner-version> is the version of Streams Runner:
    tar -zxvf $STREAMS_INSTALL/etc/beam/<runner-version>.tar.gz
  3. (Optional) Create the Streams Runner environment variables.

    Tip: Although the variables are not required, the documentation refers to them for convenience. If you do not set the environment variables, you must use the full paths when you run the sample applications.

    1. Go to the examples directory in the expanded toolkit and run the command to set up environment variables for the runner:
       . bin/
  4. Set up IBM Streams for use with Streams Runner.
    1. Set the STREAMS_DOMAIN_ID and STREAMS_INSTANCE_ID environment variables to the Streams domain and instance you will use with Streams Runner.
    2. Verify that the Streams domain and instance are running:
       streamtool getinstancestate

      If the getinstancestate output includes the error CDISC5005E, start the instance:

       streamtool startinstance

      If the getinstancestate includes the error CDISA5056E, start the domain and instance:

       streamtool startdomain && streamtool startinstance
    3. Configure your certificates and keystore.

    Important: Streams Runner uses the Streams REST API for Beam metrics and job status, and Java rejects the connection if the certificate is not trusted or does not match the host name.

    Creating and configuring certificates is beyond the scope of this installation guide. For more information, see Setting up client certificate authentication for IBM Streams users.

Validating the Streams Runner installation

Streams Runner relies on preserving the directory structure. To verify an installation, ensure that the translation and sdk JAR files appear as follows when you enter the following command:


The Streams Runner directory tree structure<runner-version>/
| - template.vcap
| - README.html
| -
| -
| | - info.xml
| | - toolkit.xml
| | -
| | - doc/
| | - opt/
| | - impl/
| | | - lib/
| | | | -
| | - lib/
| | | -
| | | -
| - examples/
| | - README.html
| | -
| | - pom.xml
| | - src/
| | - target/
| | | - site/
| | - bin/
| | | -