Enum StreamsContext.Type

  • java.lang.Object
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • EDGE

        public static final StreamsContext.Type EDGE
        Submission of the topology produces an Streams Docker image on the build service for Edge.

        public static final StreamsContext.Type EDGE_BUNDLE
        Submission of the topology produces a bundle for a Streams Docker image for debug purpose.
      • EMBEDDED

        public static final StreamsContext.Type EMBEDDED
        Topology is executed within the Java virtual machine that declared it. This requires that the topology only contains Java functions or primitive operators.
      • TOOLKIT

        public static final StreamsContext.Type TOOLKIT
        Execution of the topology produces the application as a Streams toolkit.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future<File> where the value is the location of the toolkit.
        The Future returned from submit() will always be complete when the submit() returns.


        public static final StreamsContext.Type BUILD_ARCHIVE
        Execution of the topology produces the application a Streams build archive.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future<File> where the value is the location of the build archive.
        The Future returned from submit() will always be complete when the submit() returns.

      • BUNDLE

        public static final StreamsContext.Type BUNDLE
        Submission of the topology produces an Streams application bundle.

        A bundle (.sab file) can be submitted to a Streaming Analytics service running on IBM Cloud using:

        • Streaming Analytics Console
        • Streaming Analytics REST API

        The STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE context submits a topology directly to a Streaming Analytics service.

        A bundle (.sab file) can be submitted to an IBM Streams instance using:

        • streamtool submitjob from the command line
        • IBM Streams Console
        • IBM Streams JMX API

        The DISTRIBUTED context submits a topology directly to a Streams instance.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future<File> where the value is the location of the bundle.
        If running with IBM Streams 4.2 or later then additionally a job configuration overlays file is produced. This file provides the correct job deployment instructions to enforce any constraints declared in the Topology. The file is located in the same directory as the application bundle with a suffix of json and the name of the application bundle file (without the sab suffix} with _JobConfig appended. For example for the application bundle simple.HelloWorld.sab its job configuration overlays file would be simple.HelloWorld_JobConfig.json.

         Example of using job configuration overlays file at submit job time with  streamtool:
         streamtool submitjob --jobConfig simple.HelloWorld_JobConfig.json simple.HelloWorld.sab
        The Future returned from submit() will always be complete when the submit() returns.


        public static final StreamsContext.Type STANDALONE_BUNDLE
        Deprecated. Use BUNDLE - A single bundle now works for both distributed and standalone.
        Execution of the topology produces an SPL application bundle .sab file that can be executed as an IBM Streams standalone application.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future&lt;File> where the value is the location of the bundle.
        The Future returned from submit() will always be complete when the submit() returns.


        public static final StreamsContext.Type STANDALONE
        The topology is executed directly as an Streams standalone application. The standalone execution is spawned as a separate process from the Java virtual machine.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future&lt;Integer> where the value is return code from the standalone execution.
        The Future returned from submit() will be complete, when the standalone executable terminates. This will only occur if all the streams in the topology finalize, so that all the operators complete. Thus some topologies, for example those polling external data sources, will run until cancelled.
        Calling Future.cancel(true) will terminate the standalone executable.


        public static final StreamsContext.Type DISTRIBUTED
        The topology is submitted to an IBM Streams instance.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future&lt;BigInteger> where the value is the job identifier.
        When submit returns the Future will be complete, but the Streams job will still be running, as typically distributed jobs are long running, consuming continuous streams of data.

        The Streams instance the topology is submitted to is defined by the required environment variables STREAMS_DOMAIN_ID and STREAMS_INSTANCE_ID. STREAMS_ZKCONNECT must also be set for a non-basic instance, one not using embedded ZooKeeper.
        The user is set by the optional environment variable STREAMS_USERNAME defaulting to the current operator system user name.

        streamtool is used to submit the job and requires that streamtool does not prompt for authentication. This is achieved by using streamtool genkey.

        See Also:
        Generating authentication keys for IBM Streams


        public static final StreamsContext.Type EMBEDDED_TESTER
        Testing variant of EMBEDDED. This allows testing frameworks to capture the output of unconnected streams in the topology using the facilities of Tester. This allows JUnit style testing of topologies, including individual functional streams, and sub-topologies.

        public static final StreamsContext.Type STANDALONE_TESTER
        Testing variant of STANDALONE. This allows testing frameworks to capture the output of unconnected streams in the topology using the facilities of Tester. This allows JUnit testing of topologies, including individual functional streams, sub-topologies, and, SPL primitive operators and composites.

        public static final StreamsContext.Type DISTRIBUTED_TESTER
        Testing variant of DISTRIBUTED_TESTER. This allows testing frameworks to capture the output of unconnected streams in the topology using the facilities of Tester. This allows JUnit testing of topologies, including individual functional streams, sub-topologies, and, SPL primitive operators and composites.

        public static final StreamsContext.Type STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE
        The topology is submitted to a Streams instance running in Streaming Analytics service on IBM Cloud cloud platform.

        The returned type for the submit calls is a Future<BigInteger> where the value is the job identifier.
        When submit returns the Future will be complete, but the Streams job will still be running, as typically distributed jobs are long running, consuming continuous streams of data.

        The name of the Streaming Analytics Service must be set as a configuration property for a submit, using AnalyticsServiceProperties.SERVICE_NAME. The definition for the service is defined one of two ways:

        If the environment variable STREAMS_INSTALL is set to a non-empty value then a Streams Application bundle (sab file) is created locally using the IBM Streams install and submitted to the service. This may be overridden by setting the context property FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD to true.


        public static final StreamsContext.Type STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE_TESTER
        Testing variant of STREAMING_ANALYTICS_SERVICE.

        This context ignores any local IBM Streams install defined by the environment variable STREAMS_INSTALL, thus the Streams Application bundle (sab file) is created using the build service.

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static StreamsContext.Type[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (StreamsContext.Type c : StreamsContext.Type.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static StreamsContext.Type valueOf(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
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