Developing SPL applications with Atom or Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Edit meThis development guide covers how to create Streams applications without downloading and installing the Streams software. It describes how to use Atom or Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) to create and develop applications that are written in Streams Processing Language (SPL).
To get started with Streams by using a local installation, see the Getting Started with the Streams Quick Start Edition page.
Note for users of Microsoft VS Code
While the first part of this guide focuses on the Atom editor, the instructions in the latter part regarding creating, building and extending Streams applications are not specific to Atom and apply to Microsoft VS Code as well. To use the guide, follow these instructions to add the Streams plug-ins to Microsoft VS Code.
Once you have configured VS Code, you can consult the relevant sections to create, run an application or add a toolkit to your application.
You can download the Atom editor from the website.
If you are new to Streams, read the Basic Building Blocks on Streamsdev for a basic introduction. Then you can return to this guide to complete the following tasks:
Configure Atom for development.
Run a sample application to see Streams in action.
Create your own applications from scratch.
Note: This guide covers creating Streams applications that SPL. To learn about development in Python or Java®, see the Python development guide or the Java® development guide.