
Edit me

The following list contains some known issues and their workarounds.

  1. You tried to open the Streams Console from Atom but got this error:

    CWOAU0062E: The OAuth service provider could not redirect the
    request because the redirect URI was not valid. Contact your system
    administrator to resolve the problem.

    If this error occurs, open the Streams Console from your browser:

    1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Dashboard.

    2. From the dashboard, click on your Streaming Analytics service instance under Services. Then from the instance page, click “Launch” to go to the console.

    After you are logged in, opening the Console from Atom will work.

    Tip: You can also find the console URL from the direct link available in the Atom Console pane. Look for Streaming Analytics Console URL.

  2. Compiling an application fails with this message:

    CDISP0127E ERROR: The following toolkit file is out of date:
      ../toolkits/ This file is newer:

    This error means that a file in a toolkit you downloaded has changed. If you did not make any changes, this might be a bug that you can work around as follows:

    a. Open a terminal window and change to the toolkits directory where you copied additional toolkits:

    cd /Users/path/to/tkdir

    b. For each toolkit listed in the error message, change to that toolkit directory.

    find . -name "function.xml" -print0 | xargs  touch
    find . -name "toolkit.xml" -print0 | xargs  touch

    These commands are for a Mac. On Linux the arguments to xargs might be slightly different.

    Try recompiling your application.