Toolkit Usage Overview
Satisfying the toolkit requirements
As explained in the “Toolkit Overview [Technical]” section, this toolkit requires network connectivity to the IBM Voice Gateway and the Watson STT service running either on the IBM public cloud or on the Cloud Pak for Data (CP4D). In addition, a user specific IAM access token to invoke the Watson STT service on public cloud. In order to generate and refresh the IAM access token needed in the public cloud, this toolkit uses the Linux libcurl library. So, it is necessary to have the libcurl and libcurl-devel installed on all the IBM Streams application machines. If you are using the Watson STT on CP4D, then you will need the regular access token obtained from the CP4D web console instead of the IAM access token. In addition, it also requires you to download and install the boost_1_73_0 as well as the websocketpp version 0.8.2 on the IBM Streams application development machine(s) where the application code is compiled to create the application bundle. These two C++ libraries form the major external dependency for this toolkit.
Bulk of the Websocket logic in this toolkit’s operator relies on the following open source C++ Websocket header only library. websocket++
This toolkit requires the following two open source packages that are not shipped with this toolkit due to the open source code distribution policies. Users of this toolkit must first understand the usage clauses stipulated by these two packages and then bring these open source packages on their own inside of this toolkit as explained below. This needs to be done only on the Linux machine(s) where the Streams application development i.e. coding, compiling and packaging is done. Only after doing that, users can use this toolkit in their Streams applications.
- boost_1_73_0
Obtain the official boost version boost_1_73_0 from here:
- A few .so files from the boost_1_73_0/lib directory are copied into the
directory of this toolkit.- (It is needed for the dynamic loading of these .so files when the Streams application using this toolkit is launched.)
- The entire boost_1_73_0/include directory is copied into the
directory of this toolkit. [Around 200 MB in size]- (It is needed for a successful compilation of the Streams application that uses this toolkit. Please note that these include files will not bloat the size of that application’s SAB file since the
directory will not be part of the SAB file.)
- (It is needed for a successful compilation of the Streams application that uses this toolkit. Please note that these include files will not bloat the size of that application’s SAB file since the
- websocketpp v0.8.2
- The entire websocketpp directory is copied into the
directory of this toolkit. [Around 1.5 MB in size]- (It is needed for a successful compilation of the Streams application that uses this toolkit. Please note that these include files will not bloat the size of that application’s SAB file since the
directory will not be part of the SAB file.)
- (It is needed for a successful compilation of the Streams application that uses this toolkit. Please note that these include files will not bloat the size of that application’s SAB file since the
- The entire websocketpp directory is copied into the
- Open SSL libraries in Linux
- On all your IBM Streams application machines, you have to ensure that the openssl-devel-1.0.2k-12 and openssl-libs-1.0.2k-12 (or a higher version) are installed. This can be verified via this command:
rpm -qa | grep -i openssl
- On all your IBM Streams application machines, you have to ensure that the openssl-devel-1.0.2k-12 and openssl-libs-1.0.2k-12 (or a higher version) are installed. This can be verified via this command:
- Curl libraries in Linux
- On all your IBM Streams development and application machines, you have to
ensure that the libcurl-devel-7.29.0-51.el7.x86_64 and libcurl-7.29.0-51.el7.x86_64
(or a higher version) are installed. This can be verified via this command:
rpm -qa | grep -i libcurl
- On all your IBM Streams development and application machines, you have to
ensure that the libcurl-devel-7.29.0-51.el7.x86_64 and libcurl-7.29.0-51.el7.x86_64
(or a higher version) are installed. This can be verified via this command:
Downloading the dependencies and building the toolkit
This toolkit is packaged with a comprehensive build.xml automation file that will help the users in downloading and building the toolkit in order to make it ready for use. Users will need network connectivity to the Internet from their Linux Streams application development machine(s) along with the open source ant tool. All that a user needs to do is to download and extract an official release version of this toolkit from the IBMStreams GitHub and then run the following commands in sequence from the top-level directory (e-g: streamsx.sttgateway) of this toolkit.
ant clean-total
[Approximately 2 minutes]ant all
[Approximately 8 minutes]ant download-clean
[Approximately 2 minutes]
If all those commands ran successfully, this toolkit is ready for use.
If there is no direct Internet access from the IBM Streams machine and if there is a need to go through a proxy server, then the ant all command may not work. When a corporate network uses proxy servers to go to the Internet, there are certain known problems with the ant tool. Presence of a network proxy forces ant not to work correctly in downloading the external websocket and boost packages from the Internet thereby requiring the following manual steps. Run the following commands in sequence from the top-level directory (e-g: streamsx.sttgateway) of this toolkit.
ant clean-total
Now, you can download the two external packages (websocketpp-0.8.2.tar.gz and boost-1.73.0.tar.gz) on your own from any Windows or Mac or Linux box that has Internet connection and then you can copy those two tar.gz files manually to your Linux machine’s toolkit directory as
ant all -Dwebsocket.archive=file://localhost$(pwd)/ext -Dwebsocket.version=0.8.2 -Dboost.archive.src0=file://localhost$(pwd)/ext/boost-install-files/boost-1.73.0.tar.gz
If the build is successful, you can now run the following command.
ant download-clean
A must do in the Streams applications that will use this toolkit
i. You must add this toolkit as a dependency in your application.
In Streams Studio, you can add this toolkit location in the Streams Explorer view and then add this toolkit as a dependency inside your application project’s Dependencies section.
In a command line compile mode, simply add the -t option to point to this toolkit’s top-level or its parent directory.
ii. In Streams studio, you must double click on the BuildConfig of your application’s main composite and then select “Other” in the dialog that is opened. In the “Additional SPL compiler options”, you must add the following. Please note that there is nothing that needs to be entered in the other two C++ compiler and linker options in that same dialog box.
iii. If you are building your application from the command line, please refer to the Makefile provided in the AudioFileWatsonSTT example shipped with this toolkit. Before using that Makefile, you must set the STREAMS_STTGATEWAY_TOOLKIT environment variable to point to the full path of your streamsx.sttgateway/ directory. Similarly, you must set the STREAMS_JSON_TOOLKIT environment variable to point to the full path of your streamsx.json (v1.4.6 or higher) toolkit directory. To build your own applications, you can do the same as done in that Makefile.
iv. Please note that your IBM public cloud STT instance’s API key will have to be provided via a submission time parameter into your application so that your API key can be used to generate a new IAM access token within the utility composite IAMAccessTokenGenerator mentioned above. Since the IAM access tokens will expire after a certain time period, it is necessary to keep refreshing it periodically. That utility composite does that as well. This API Key is needed only when using the STT service on public cloud. If the STT service on the IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CP4D) is used, then the API key is not needed. Instead, a never expiring access token obtained from the CP4D STT service instance’s web console should be used.
Example usage of this toolkit inside a Streams application:
Here is a code snippet that shows how to invoke the WatsonSTT operator available in this toolkit for the basic features. For using the advanced features of the Watson STT service, please refer to another example code snippet shown in the Operator Usage Patterns section.
Invoke one or more instances of the WatsonSTT operator.
You can send the audio data to this operator all at once or
you can send the audio data for the live-use case as it becomes
available from your telephony network switch.
Avoid feeding audio data coming from more than one data source into this
parallel region which may cause erroneous transcription results.
NOTE: The WatsonSTT operator allows fusing multiple instances of
this operator into a single PE when you have a total of 10 STT engines.
If you have more than 10 STT engines, it is better not to fuse them for
the correct functioning of the application.
@parallel(width = $numberOfSTTEngines,
partitionBy=[{port=ABC, attributes=[conversationId]}], broadcast=[AT])
(stream<STTResult_t> STTResult) as STT = WatsonSTT(AudioBlobContent as ABC; IamAccessToken, AccessTokenForCP4D as AT) {
uri: $sttUri;
baseLanguageModel: $sttBaseLanguageModel;
STTResult: conversationId = conversationId,
utteranceNumber = getUtteranceNumber(),
utteranceText = getUtteranceText(),
utteranceStartTime = getUtteranceStartTime(),
utteranceEndTime = getUtteranceEndTime(),
finalizedUtterance = isFinalizedUtterance(),
transcriptionCompleted = isTranscriptionCompleted(),
sttErrorMessage = getSTTErrorMessage();
A built-in example inside this toolkit can be compiled and launched with the default STT options to use the STT service on public cloud as shown below:
cd streamsx.sttgateway/samples/AudioFileWatsonSTT
Following IBM Streams job sumission command shows how to override the default values with your own as needed for the various the STT options:
cd streamsx.sttgateway/samples/AudioRawWatsonSTT
st submitjob -d <YOUR_STREAMS_DOMAIN> -i <YOUR_STREAMS_INSTANCE> output/ -P sttApiKey=<YOUR_WATSON_STT_SERVICE_API_KEY> -P contentType="audio/mulaw;rate=8000" -P sttBaseLanguageModel=en-US_NarrowbandModel -P contentType="audio/wav" -P filterProfanity=true -P keywordsSpottingThreshold=0.294 -P keywordsToBeSpotted="['country', 'learning', 'IBM', 'model']" -P smartFormattingNeeded=true -P wordAlternativesThreshold=0.251 -P maxUtteranceAlternatives=5 -P audioBlobFragmentSize=32768 -P audioDir=<YOUR_AUDIO_FILES_DIRECTORY> -P numberOfSTTEngines=100 -C fusionScheme=legacy
Following is another way to run the same application to access the STT service on the IBM Cloud Pak for Data (CP4D). STT URI shown below is for an illustrative purpose and you must use a valid STT URI obtained from your CP4D cluster.
st submitjob -d <YOUR_STREAMS_DOMAIN> -i <YOUR_STREAMS_INSTANCE> output/ -P sttOnCP4DAccessToken=<YOUR_CP4D_STT_SERVICE_ACCESS_TOKEN> -P sttUri=wss://b0610b07:31843/speech-to-text/ibm-wc/instances/1567608964/api/v1/recognize
If you are planning to ingest the speech data from live voice calls, then you can invoke the IBMVoiceGatewaySource operator as shown below.
(stream<BinarySpeech_t> BinarySpeechData as BSD) as VoiceGatewayInferface =
IBMVoiceGatewaySource() {
state: {
// Initialize the default TLS certificate file name if the
// user didn't provide his or her own.
rstring _certificateFileName =
($certificateFileName != "") ?
$certificateFileName : getThisToolkitDir() + "/etc/ws-server.pem";
tlsPort: $tlsPort;
certificateFileName: _certificateFileName;
initDelay: $initDelayBeforeSendingDataToSttEngines;
// Get these values via custom output functions provided by this operator.
BSD: vgwSessionId = getIBMVoiceGatewaySessionId(),
callStartDateTime = getCallStartDateTime(),
isCustomerSpeechData = isCustomerSpeechData(),
vgwVoiceChannelNumber = getVoiceChannelNumber(),
callerPhoneNumber = getCallerPhoneNumber(),
agentPhoneNumber = getAgentPhoneNumber(),
speechDataFragmentCnt = getTupleCnt(),
totalSpeechDataBytesReceived = getTotalSpeechDataBytesReceived();
In addition to the code snippet shown above to invoke the IBMVoiceGatewaySource operator, one must do additional logic to allocate a dedicated instance of a WatsonSTT operator for a given voice call. A built-in example inside this toolkit has that logic which can be reused in any other application. That particular example can be compiled and launched to ingest speech data from the IBM Voice Gateway for 25 concurrent voice calls with a maximum of 15 call replayers and send it to the WatsonSTT operator running with most of the default STT options to use the STT service on public cloud as shown below. If call recording or call replay is not desired, the corresponding submission time parameters can be omitted.
cd streamsx.sttgateway/samples/VoiceGatewayToStreamsToWatsonSTT
st submitjob -d <YOUR_STREAMS_DOMAIN> -i <YOUR_STREAMS_INSTANCE> output/ -P tlsPort=9443 -P numberOfSTTEngines=80 -P sttApiKey=<YOUR_WATSON_STT_SERVICE_API_KEY> -P contentType="audio/mulaw;rate=8000" -P ipv6Available=false -P writeTranscriptionResultsToFiles=true -P sendTranscriptionResultsToHttpEndpoint=true -P httpEndpointForSendingTranscriptionResults= -P writeTranscriptionResultsToFiles=true -P writeResultsToVoiceChannelFiles=true -P callRecordingWriteDirectory=/homes/hny5/sen/call-recording-write -P callRecordingReadDirectory=/homes/hny5/sen/call-recording-read -P numberOfCallReplayEngines=15 -C fusionScheme=legacy -C fusionScheme=legacy
Special Note
For those customers who are using the speech to text engine embedded in the operator, the following example is available as a reference application to exploit that operator in a real-time voice call analytics scenario. It can be compiled and executed as shown below. You have to replace the hardcoded paths and IP addresses to suit your environment. We show below a total 80 S2T engines with 25 concurrent live voice calls and 15 call replayers. If call recording or call replay is not desired, the corresponding submission time parameters can be omitted.
cd streamsx.sttgateway/samples/VoiceGatewayToStreamsToWatsonS2T
st submitjob -P tlsPort=9443 -P vgwSessionLoggingNeeded=false -P numberOfS2TEngines=80 -P WatsonS2TConfigFile=/home/streamsadmin/toolkit.speech2text-v2.12.0/model/en_US.8kHz.general.diarization.low_latency.pset -P WatsonS2TModelFile=/home/streamsadmin/toolkit.speech2text-v2.12.0/model/en_US.8kHz.general.pkg -P ipv6Available=false -P writeTranscriptionResultsToFiles=true -P sendTranscriptionResultsToHttpEndpoint=true -P httpEndpointForSendingTranscriptionResults= -P writeTranscriptionResultsToFiles=true -P writeResultsToVoiceChannelFiles=true -P callRecordingWriteDirectory=/homes/hny5/sen/call-recording-write -P callRecordingReadDirectory=/homes/hny5/sen/call-recording-read -P numberOfCallReplayEngines=15 -C fusionScheme=legacy output/
Examples that showcase this toolkit’s features
As explained in the previous section, there are many examples available within this toolkit directory that can be compiled and tested by using a valid IAM access token (generated via your STT service instance’s API key) required to connect to the Watson STT service on the IBM public cloud or by using the regular access token to connect to the Watson STT service on your CP4D cluster. The streamsx.sttgateway toolkit provides a utility composite operator named IAMAccessTokenGenerator that can be used within any Streams application to generate and refresh an IAM access token that stays current and valid at all times. Without a valid IAM access token, this toolkit will not be able to function correctly. So, it is necessary to understand the importance of the IAM access token. The examples provided in this toolkit will show you how to use the utility composite operator to generate/refresh the IAM access token and send it to the WatsonSTT operator. For using the Watson STT service on your CP4D cluster, you will not require the IAM access token and you will need the regular access token displayed in the CP4D web console. The first five examples show different variations of reading and processing the batch workload from a collection of prerecorded audio files. The sixth example shows how to get the real-time speech data of the live voice calls from the IBM Voice Gateway product into IBM Streams and then invoke the Watson Speech To Text service either on the public cloud or on a private cloud running CP4D. The seventh example shows how to do real-time speech to text transcription using the embedded STT engine available inside a Streams operator named Within the same streamsx.sttgateway/samples directory where these examples are present, there is a directory named audio_files that contains a few test audio files useful for testing the batch speech to text examples. There is also a helper application named stt_results_http_receiver which can be used to see how the real-time STT results can be streamed to an external HTTP or WebSocket server.
If you have no need for the call recording and call replay features, you can use the two examples below that end with the word Mini. It will cut down the extra logic to result in a fewer number of overall operators.
- AccessTokenGenerator
- AudioFileWatsonSTT
- AudioFileWatsonSTTAllOutput
- AudioRawWatsonSTT
- AudioRawWatsonSTTAllOutput
- VoiceGatewayToStreamsToWatsonSTT
- VoiceGatewayToStreamsToWatsonS2T
- STTGatewayUtils
- VgwDataRouter
- VgwDataRouterToWatsonS2T
- VgwDataRouterToWatsonSTT
- VgwDataRouterMini
- VgwDataRouterToWatsonSTTMini
- stt_results_http_receiver
- audio_files
- VoiceDataSimulator
Importing this toolkit and its built-in examples into IBM Streams Studio
Build the
toolkit using the three ant commands mentioned in a previous section. -
In Streams Studio, select
File->Import->IBM Streams Studio->SPL Project
and clickNext
. -
In the resulting dialog box, click
and then select thestreamsx.sttgateway
directory from where you ran those ant commands. -
Now, it should list the
project which you must select and clickFinish
. It will take about 8 minutes to take a copy of that entire project into your Streams Studio workspace. -
At this time, the
project in your Streams Studio workspace is ready to be added as a dependency in any of your own applications that want to use theIBMVoiceGatewaySource
and/or theWatsonSTT
We will also show here the steps needed to import one of the built-in examples. You can use similar steps for other examples as well.
In Streams Studio, select
File->Import->IBM Streams Studio->SPL Project
and clickNext
. -
In the resulting dialog box, click
and then select thestreamsx.sttgateway->samples
directory. (This is the location where you ran those ant commands earlier). -
Now, it should list all the available examples from which you can select an example project that you want and click
. -
You have to change the SPL build of the imported project from an External Builder to an Internal Builder. You can do that by right clicking on that imported project and then selecting
Configure SPL Build
. In the resulting dialog box, you can change theBuilder type
from anExternal builder
toStreams Studio internal builder
. ClickOK
. -
Now, expand your imported top-level project, expand the namespace below it and then right-click the main composite name below it and select
New->Build Configuration
. (You have to do it for every main composite present in a given example.) -
In the resulting dialog box, select Other and enter
in theAdditional SPL compiler options
field. ClickOK
. -
Your imported example project should build correctly now provided you meet all the other toolkit dependencies.
Common log messages generated by the Websocket library
There will be many log messages from the underlying C++ Websocket library routinely getting written in the Streams WatsonSTT operator log files. Such log messages are about making a connection to the Watson STT service, disconnecting from the Watson STT service, receiving Websocket control frames during the ongoing transcription etc. For example, in the absence of any audio data available for transcription for a prolonged period (30 seconds or more), the Watson STT service will terminate the Websocket connection to better utilize its back-end resources. In that case, a set of messages as shown below will be logged.
[2018-08-11 10:07:35] [control] Control frame received with opcode 8
[2018-08-11 10:07:35] [application] Websocket connection closed with the Watson STT service.
[2018-08-11 10:07:35] [disconnect] Disconnect close local:[1011,see the previous message for the error details.] remote:[1011,see the previous message for the error details.]
These messages are normal and they don’t reflect any error in the Streams WatsonSTT operator. When the audio data becomes available later, the WatsonSTT operator will reestablish the Websocket connection and continue the transcription task. Only when you see any abnormal runtime exception errors, you should take actions to diagnose and fix the problem.