Toolkit Development overview

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For development, the GitFlow branching model is used.

For more information about the Gitflow process, go to this link here: Gitflow for Github

Very brief description

The continuous development is done in the develop branch.

Feature branches can be used to implement features isolated. Feature branches always originate at the develop branch and get merged into the develop branch if a feature is worth to be merged back.

Release branches follow the naming convention release/vX.Y.Z and originate at the develop branch. They are used to prepare a coming release. When a release is ready to be published, a tag is applied. Release branches are merged into the develop branch.

Hotfix branches originate at a tagged version, for example at the tag v1.0.0 and follow the naming convention hotfix/vX.Y.Z. They are used to create fixes for released versions, when a a fix cannot be created as new release starting off from the develop branch. The final release prepared in a hotfix branch is tagged and merged into the develop branch.
