Build and launch sample application

Edit me


  • pre-built toolkit
  • Streams domain and instance is running

Build the sample

Change to the sample directory, e.g. ` samples/`

This sample application monitors the metrics nMemoryConsumption and nResidentMemoryConsumption of all jobs and PEs in the specified domain.

Build the sample application with the following command:


Run the sample

The sample application requires the following submission time parameters:

  • user - Specifies the user that is required for the JMX connection.
  • password - Specifies the password that is required for the JMX connection.

Launch the sample application, e.g.

streamtool submitjob output/ -P user=streamsuser -P password=streamsuser

The application traces the received metric value change notifications. You could display them with the following command, e.g. if your job has PE Id 0:

streamtool viewlog --pe 0
