Testing the toolkit

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Setup for tests

The test scripts require python 3.x for python unittest. Ensure that python3 command is in your PATH.

You need to set the following environment variables:

  • JMX_USER - user name for JMX connection
  • JMX_PASSWORD - password for JMX connection


The test suites test_jmx_reconnect require the following environment variables:

  • TEST_DOMAIN - domain ID for a second Streams Domain. It is required that the property jmx.port is not set to value 0.
  • TEST_INSTANCE - instance ID of a Streams Instance in the TEST_DOMAIN

If not set, then the test suites are skipped.

Before launching the test

The test scripts does not create, modify or delete a Streams Domain or Instance.

  • It is required that the domain (STREAMS_DOMAIN_ID) and instance (STREAMS_INSTANCE_ID) are started.
  • If present, the domain (TEST_DOMAIN) and instance (TEST_INSTANCE) should be stopped.

Run the tests

ant test


Delete generated files of test suites.

ant clean
