Toolkit SPLDoc process

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The following steps can be followed to generate new SPLDocs for the toolkit and to add it to the github pages.

NOTE: It is recommended that a new repository be cloned in /tmp to isolate SPL doc generation and github pages documentation from development work.

  1. cd /tmp
  2. git clone
  3. cd
  4. Check out the release, for which you want to generate the SPL documentation, for example git checkout v1.2.4
  5. ./gradlew spldoc
  6. git checkout gh-pages
  7. pushd doc
  8. The SPL documentation for the latest release, which is also available via the SPLDOC button on the entry page, is stored in subdirectory spldoc. Documentation of older releases are stored in versioned sub directories, for example v1.2.3. If you update existing documentation, replace the generated documentation in the right directory.
    • If you update latest SPLDOC: git rm -r ./spldoc && mv -v ../docs/spldoc .
    • If you update an older SPLDOC (here v1.2.3): git rm -r v1.2.3/spldoc && mv -v ../docs/spldoc v1.2.3
    • If you add SPLDOC of a new version, (here latest version used to be v1.2.4):
      • move current latest doc into versioned directory: mkdir v1.2.4 && git mv ./spldoc v1.2.4
      • add generated doc as latest doc: mv -v ../docs/spldoc .
  9. popd
  10. remove the generated docs directory: rm -rf docs
  11. Add untracked and modified documentation in ‘doc’ to the index
  12. If you added new documentation, update the _docs/ markdown file, which references all SPL docs.
  13. git commit -m "Update docs for vX.Y.Z"
  14. git push -u origin gh-pages
  15. When the result is ok for you, delete the temporary clone that you created in the second step
