How to connect to a Teradata

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The following SPL sample demonstrates how to connect to a Teradata database and select data from a table using JDBCRun operator.

Required Streams Version = 4.1.x.x

Required JDBC Toolkit Version = 1.2.0

To connect to database, the following parameters need to be specified:

jdbcDriverLib: the jdbc driver libraries.

download the jdbc driver files from:

and store them in opt folder, write the path and the jar file names comma separated in one string e.g. (“opt/terajdbc4.jar, opt/tdgssconfig.jar” )

jdbcClassName: the class name for teradata jdbc driver (com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver)

jdbcUrl: the database URL. (e.g. jdbc:teradata://your-db-host/db-name)

jdbcUser: the database user on whose behalf the connection is being made.

jdbcPassword: the user’s password.

In the SPL sample:

The “select” operator demonstrates how to run an SQL statement from stream attribute via statementAttr parameter.

In this sample the JDBCRun operator connect to the database and read all table names from database and write them into a text file data/output.txt

namespace application;
use* ;

composite Main
	expression<rstring> $jdbcDriverLib : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcDriverLib", "opt/terajdbc4.jar, opt/tdgssconfig.jar");
	expression<rstring> $jdbcClassName : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcClassName", "com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver");
	expression<rstring> $jdbcUrl : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcUrl", "jdbc:teradata://your-db-host/your-db-name");
	expression<rstring> $jdbcUser : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcUser", "your-db-userName");
	expression<rstring> $jdbcPassword : getSubmissionTimeValue("jdbcPassword", "your-db-password");
	expression<rstring> $statement : getSubmissionTimeValue("statement", "SELECT TableName FROM dbc.tables");


        stream<int32 counter> pulse = Beacon() {
			iterations : 1u ;
			pulse : counter = 1;

	stream<rstring TableName> select = JDBCRun(pulse) {
			jdbcDriverLib: $jdbcDriverLib;
			jdbcClassName: $jdbcClassName;
			jdbcUrl: $jdbcUrl;
			jdbcUser: $jdbcUser;
			jdbcPassword: $jdbcPassword;
			statement:  $statement;

	() as WriteToFile = FileSink(select) {		                                                           
		state :
			mutable int64 counter = 0;

		onTuple select :
			printStringLn((rstring)counter++ + " TableName = " +(rstring) TableName) ;
      			file	: "output.txt";                                                                            
			format	: line ; 
			flush	: 1u;		/** flush the output file after 1 tuple */
