SPL File HTTPParallelRequest.spl

IBMStreams com.ibm.streamsx.inet Toolkit > com.ibm.streamsx.inet 3.4.0 > com.ibm.streamsx.inet.http > HTTPParallelRequest.spl


  • HTTPParallelRequest: The operator HTTPParallelRequest issues HTTP requests in parallel asynchronously from the input stream.


composite HTTPParallelRequest(output Result, Error; input Request)

The operator HTTPParallelRequest issues HTTP requests in parallel asynchronously from the input stream. The operator opens on request up to maxConnections parallel http connections an sends the results downstream once the response is received. The operator has one input stream. The attributes of the input stream may define the kind and the parameters of the http operation like method, url, headers and data. When the response to an request is received, the result is passed in an output tuple of the Result port. If an http operation fails, the status information and the error is sent to the Result port and optionally to the Error port. The operator maintains a pool of up to maxConnections http connections. An incoming request is routed round-robin to one of the connections. If the connection is busy the request is queued. The length of the queues is determined with parameter queue. Finally the congestion policy of the queues is defined with parameter congestionPolicy.


Input Ports

Output Ports

Static Types

HTTPParallelRequest.HttpMethod = enum { httpGet, httpPut, httpPost, httpDelete };

This type determines the kind of the http operation values are httpGet, httpPut, httpPost, httpDelete


rstring passThrough(rstring val)

This function passes the input string unchanged

