SPL File TcpServerTypes.spl

Toolkits > com.ibm.streamsx.tcp 2.1.1 > com.ibm.streamsx.tcp > TcpServerTypes.spl





Common schema for host / port.
  • srcIP represents the IP address of the host to connect to.
  • srcPort represents the port on the host to connect to.

TcpServerConnT = rstring srcIP, uint32 srcPort;


Schema for the output port 0 if the data is an rstring.
  • line represents the data encoded as rstring
  • TcpServerConnT represents the remote connection

TcpServerStrT = tuple<rstring line>, TcpServerConnT;


Schema for the output port 0 if the data is a blob.
  • block represents the data encoded as blob
  • TcpServerConnT represents the remote connection

TcpServerBlobT = tuple<blob block>, TcpServerConnT;


Schema for the output port 1 to report status of connection
  • status represents status of connection in rstring
  • TcpServerConnT represents the remote connection

TcpServerStatusT = tuple<rstring status>, TcpServerConnT;


Enum for action event definition.
  • CLOSE represents the connection to close.
  • LISTEN represents the new dynamic listener to open.
  • RESPONSE represents the client response in the duplex connection.

ActionEventT = enum { CLOSE, LISTEN, RESPONSE };


Schema for the input port 0 if the data is an rstring.
  • event represents the kind of the received event (if LISTEN then line is ignored).
  • TcpServerStrT is the same as output port 0

TcpServerStrEventT = tuple<ActionEventT event>, TcpServerStrT;


Schema for the input port 0 if the data is a blob.
  • event represents the kind of the received event (if LISTEN then block is ignored).
  • TcpServerBlobT is the same as output port 0
  • the message is prepended with the length of the blob

TcpServerBlobEventT = tuple<ActionEventT event>, TcpServerBlobT;


Schema for the input port 0 if the data is a blob.
  • event represents the kind of the received event (if LISTEN then raw is ignored).
  • TcpServerRawEventT is similar to TcpServerBlobT - raw represents the data encoded as binary raw format
  • the message is not prepended with the length of the blob
  • TcpServerConnT represents the remote connection

TcpServerRawEventT = tuple<ActionEventT event, blob raw>, TcpServerConnT;