SPL File RandomShedderSample.spl

com.ibm.streamsx.plumbing > shedders 1.0.0 > com.ibm.streamsx.plumbing.sample.shedding > RandomShedderSample.spl




composite RandomShedderSample

SPL Source Code

 public composite RandomShedderSample
 		() as JCP = JobControlPlane()
 		// DataFlow with controlled load shedding
 		@spl_category(name = "data")
 		() as DF = DataFlow()
 		// Flow that controls DataFlow
 		// Note they are not connected using streams,
 		// only indirectly through the control mechanisms
 		// provided by JobControlPlane
 		@spl_note(id = "0", text =
 			"Flow that controls DataFlow by changing the shedding fraction every 30 seconds.")
 		@spl_category(name = "control")
 		() as CF = ControlFlow()


composite RandomShedderFailureSample

Sample application that can be used to demonstrate recovery from failure for com.ibm.streamsx.plumbing.shedders::RandomLoadShedder.

A single change is made to shed tuples in the data flow after 30 seconds to some random fraction >= 0.2.

The failure modes that can be manually tested are:

and then restarting it.

In each case com.ibm.streamsx.plumbing.shedders::RandomLoadShedder reverts to the shedding fraction set by the control flow, and the current fraction can be seen through the sheddingFraction metric, in tuples per million shed.

SPL Source Code

 public composite RandomShedderFailureSample {
    		() as JCP = JobControlPlane() {}
    				// DataFlow with controlled load shedding
 		@spl_category(name = "data")
 		() as DF = DataFlow()
 		stream<float64 fraction> Control = Beacon()
 			    initDelay: 30.0;
 				iterations: 1u;
 				Control : fraction = random() + 0.2;
 		() as ChangeShedding = Custom(Control)
 				state :
 					boolean __unused = registerRandomShedder("sampleShedder") ;
 				onTuple Control :
 					setRandomShedderFraction("sampleShedder", fraction) ;