SPL File ActiveReplicasManual3DeDup.spl

com.ibm.streamsx.plumbing > redundant 1.0.1 > com.ibm.streamsx.plumbing.sample.redundant.active > ActiveReplicasManual3DeDup.spl


  • ActiveReplicasManual3DeDup: Example application demonstrating use of redundant flows and de-duplicators, with leadership election using ZooKeeper.


composite ActiveReplicasManual3DeDup

Example application demonstrating use of redundant flows and de-duplicators, with leadership election using ZooKeeper.

This is a simple example to demonstrate how duplicate output from redundant flows can be de-duplicated redundantly.

Three active replica flows mimic processing data and sending alerts. In this case there are two redundant de-duplicators with one active set by leadership election using LeadershipSwitchWithReplay. The de-duplicator sends a single alert even though there are three active replicas generating alerts. Upon a failure of the de-duplicator the inactive one is elected as the leader and starts to send the alerts out.

SPL Source Code

 public composite ActiveReplicasManual3DeDup
         // JobControlPlane to support leadership election
         () as JCP = JobControlPlane() { }
         // Mimic three redundant flows and publish them. 
         () as RF0 = PublishFlow() {
            config placement: host(Rack_0);
         () as RF1 = PublishFlow() {
            config placement: host(Rack_1);
         () as RF2 = PublishFlow() {
            config placement: host(Rack_2);
         // Subscribe the three redundant flows into
         // each of the two de-duplicators
         // Only one will be elected the leader and submit the de-duplicated
         // tuples to the output.
         () as LD0 = RedundantDeDuplicator () {
            config placement: host(Rack_0);
         () as LD1 = RedundantDeDuplicator() {
            config placement: host(Rack_1);
        // Pools are created shared to allow
        // other applications to use the same hosts.
             Rack_0 = createPool({tags=["rack_0"]}, Sys.Shared),
             Rack_1 = createPool({tags=["rack_1"]}, Sys.Shared),
             Rack_2 = createPool({tags=["rack_2"]}, Sys.Shared);      