How to connect to a Oracle

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How to connect to an ORACLE database via JDBC toolkit

This document describes a step by step instruction to connect to an OARACLE database via JDBC toolkit and get the SQL code and SQL message in case of any error.

1 - Download the ORACLE jdbc driver (ojdbc7.jar) from:

2 - Create a database user in your ORACLE database

login as oracle and start the sqlplus

create a database user

create a test table

insert some data into table

check the oracle service name. you need this name for jadbUrl parameter in SPL file.

sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> connect system/manager as sysdba 
SQL> alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true; 
SQL> create user streams identified by streamspw; 
User created.
SQL> grant dba to stream;
Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect streams/streamspw;

SQL> create table test (name varchar(30), id int);
Table created.

SQL> insert into test values ('jim', 1);
1 row created.

SQL> insert into test values ('kati' , 2);
1 row created.

SQL> select * from test;
NAME                                   ID
------------------------------ ----------
jim                                     1
kati                                    2

SQL> show parameter service_name
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
service_names                        string

3- Create a SPL project in your Streams server




 # Copyright (C)2014, 2017 International Business Machines Corporation and
 # others. All Rights Reserved.

 // *******************************************************************************
 // The sample SPL application JDBCOracle demonstrates how to connect to an ORACLE database 
 // and select data from a table using JDBCRun operator.
 // It demonstrates also how to get the SQL message in case of any error.
 // Required Streams Version = 4.1.x.x
 // Required JDBC Toolkit Version = 1.2.2
 // ORACLE jdbc driver version 7 or higher (ojdbc7.jar)
 // To connect to database, the following parameters need to be specified:
 // jdbcDriverLib   : the jdbc driver libraries (download the jdbc driver file from oracle site 
 // and store it in the opt folder, e.g. opt/ ojdbc7.jar)
 // jdbcClassName   : the class name for ORACLE jdbc driver (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)
 // jdbcUrl         : the database URL. (e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your database server>:1521/<your oracle Service name> )
 // dbcUser         :  the database user on whose behalf the connection is being made.
 // jdbcPassword    : the user’s password.
 // sqlStatusAttr   : "error" ;
 // isolationLevel   : "READ_COMMITTED" ;
 // set the isolationLevel to "READ_COMMITTED for ORACLE database
 // In the SPL sample:
 // "select" operator demonstrates how to run SQL statement from stream attribute via statementAttr parameter
 // In this sample the JDBCRun operator connect to the database and read all rows from test table and 
 // write them into data/output.csv
 // The second output port "error" provide SQL code SQL Status and SQL message in case  of any SQL error.
 // *******************************************************************************/
 namespace application ;
 use* ;
 use* ;
  * JDBCRunErrorPort demonstrates how to Error Port with JDBCRun operator.
 composite JDBCOracle
 		expression<rstring> $jdbcDriverLib : "opt/ojdbc7.jar" ;
 		expression<rstring> $jdbcClassName : "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ;
 		expression<rstring> $jdbcUrl : "" ;
 		expression<rstring> $jdbcUser : "streams" ;
 		expression<rstring> $jdbcPassword : "streamspw" ;
 		insertSchema = int32 ID, rstring NAME ;
 		rsSchema = int32 ID, rstring NAME ;
 		selectSchema = rstring sql ;
 		stream<insertSchema> pulse = Beacon()
 				iterations : 1000u ;
 				initDelay : 5.0 ;
 		(stream<rsSchema> runSql ; stream<tuple<insertSchema> inTuple, JdbcSqlStatus_T error> errors) =
 				state :
 					mutable int32 count = 0  ;
 			//	mutable int32 n=0
 				onTuple pulse : printStringLn((rstring) count++) ;

 				jdbcDriverLib  : $jdbcDriverLib ;
 				jdbcClassName  : $jdbcClassName ;
 				jdbcUrl        : $jdbcUrl ;
 				jdbcUser       : $jdbcUser ;
 				jdbcPassword   : $jdbcPassword ;
 //				statement      : "SELECT * FROM TEST" ;
 				statement      : "SELECT * FROM TEST2" ;
 				sqlStatusAttr  : "error" ;
 				isolationLevel : "READ_COMMITTED" ;
 		() as errorprint = Custom(errors)
 				onTuple errors : printStringLn("sqlCode: " +(rstring) error.sqlCode + ", sqlState: " +
 					error.sqlState + ", sqlMessage: " + error.sqlMessage) ;
 		() as runSqlprint = FileSink(runSql)
 				onTuple runSql : printStringLn((rstring) ID + "," + NAME) ;
 				file : "output.csv" ;

4 - Make the SPL application

create a Makefile and run make

 # Copyright (C)2014, 2017 International Business Machines Corporation and
 # others. All Rights Reserved.
 .PHONY: all clean
 #SPLC_FLAGS = -t $(STREAMS_INSTALL)/toolkits/  --data-directory data
 SPLC_FLAGS = -t ../streamsx.jdbc/  --data-directory data
 all: data clean
 	mkdir data
 	$(SPLC) $(SPLC_FLAGS) -C -M $(SPL_MAIN_COMPOSITE1) --output-dir output
 	-rm -rf toolkit.xml
 	-rm -rf data/output.csv

5 - Run the SPL application

Change the database credentials in SPL file with your database credentials and run

 $> make

Start the application with

 $> output/bin/standalone

6 - check the SQL message

Change the statement in SPL file to

statement : "SELECT * FROM TEST2" ;

The table TEST2 doesn’t exist in the database

$> make
$> output/bin/standalone

The JDCBRun operator delivers the following SQL code and SQL message, because the table TEST2 does not exist.

sqlCode: 942, sqlState: 42000, sqlMessage: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Error : 942, Position : 14, Sql = SELECT * FROM TEST2, OriginalSql = SELECT * FROM TEST2, Error Msg = ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
