This example is the same code that can be found in the SPL introductory tutorial PDF file.
Please see that PDF file for a description about what this application does.
use my.util::Uniq;
composite Main {
KeyType = tuple <int32 j>;
stream <int32 i, int32 j> DefaultAll = Beacon() {
iterations: 10u;
} // End of Beacon.
// In this custom operator, we are going to set the
// tuple attribute values.
stream<DefaultAll> All = Custom(DefaultAll as DA) {
state: mutable int32 n = 0;
onTuple DA: {
DA = {i = n, j = n/3};
submit(DA, All);
} // End of onTuple DA
} // End of Custom(DefaultAll as DA)
stream <All> Some = Uniq(All) {
key: KeyType;
} // End of Uniq.
() as PrintAll = Custom(All) {
state: mutable int32 err = 0;
onTuple All : {
printStringLn("All " + (rstring)All);
spl.file::fflush (0ul, err);
} // End of onTuple All
} // End of Custom(All)
() as PrintSome = Custom(Some) {
state: mutable int32 err = 0;
onTuple Some: {
printStringLn("Some " + (rstring)Some);
spl.file::fflush (0ul, err);
} // End of onTupe Some
} // End of Custom(Some)
logLevel : error;
// You have to change this hostname with a hostname that is valid on your network.
placement : host("localhost");
} // End of composite Main