
This example demonstrates how one can introspect tuples inside a 
Java operator and determine the type and name of the attributes
contained in that tuple.

(You will need Streams 4.x or later to run this example.)
namespace com.acme.test;

composite Temp2 {
		MySchema = tuple<int64 a, tuple<rstring b, float64 c, uint32 d, boolean e, list<rstring> f> g, map<rstring,float32> h>;
		// Generate a single tuple for our test.
		stream<MySchema> Test1 = Beacon() {
				initDelay: 4.0;
				iterations: 1u;

		// Invoke the Java operator that will inspect the incoming tuple
		// and print the type and name of all the tuple attributes.
		// Since we have a nested tuple, it should do it recursively.
		// (See the source code in impl/java/src directory.)
		stream<MySchema> Test2 = MyJavaOp(Test1) {
		// This is a custom sink.
		() as Sink1 = Custom(Test2) {
				onTuple Test2: {
					// Do nothing.