
// This file includes the SPL functions used in this application.
namespace my.sample;

type arithmeticOperation = tuple<rstring operation, uint32 operand1, uint32 operand2, uint32 result>;

public uint32 addition(uint32 operand1, uint32 operand2) {
	return(operand1 + operand2);
} // End of function addition.

public uint32 subtraction(uint32 operand1, uint32 operand2) {
	return(operand1 - operand2);
} // End of function subtraction.

public uint32 multiplication(uint32 operand1, uint32 operand2) {
	return(operand1 * operand2);
} // End of function multiplication.

public uint32 division(uint32 operand1, uint32 operand2) {
	return(operand1 / operand2);
} // End of function addition.