This is an example that uses the Gate operator from the standard toolkit.
This operator delays the incoming tuples until a downstream operator
signals with an acknowledgment to receive any further tuples. This is
a great way to have a feedback through which we can control the rate at
which tuples are passed through. (Please refer to another example
named 905_gate_load_balancer that shows the effectiveness of the Gate
operator in combination with the ThreadedSplit operator to provide
load balancing of the incoming tuples.
namespace my.sample;
composite Main {
ticker = tuple<rstring symbol, float32 price, uint32 quantity, rstring tradeType>;
ack = tuple<uint32 tuplesAcknowledged>;
// Beacon ticker tuples now as fast as possible.
stream <ticker> BeaconedTicker = Beacon() {
initDelay: 3.0f;
iterations: 70000u;
} // End of Beacon()
// Let us gate the ticker tuples by coordinating with the
// acknowledgement received by a downstream operator.
stream <ticker> Ticker = Gate(BeaconedTicker; Acknowledgement) {
maxUnackedTupleCount: 1000u;
numTuplesToAck: Acknowledgement.tuplesAcknowledged;
} // End of Ticker = Gate(BeaconedTicker)
// Let us have a downstream operator that will acknowledge after some delay.
(stream <ticker> DelayedTicker; stream<ack> Acknowledgement) = Custom(Ticker) {
state: {
mutable uint32 tuplesReceived = 0u;
mutable uint32 cnt = 0u;
} // End of state:
onTuple Ticker: {
// After receiving 950 tuples, we will send an acknowledgement.
// It is just a random thing here. Typically, application-specific
// conditions will decide when to send the acknowledgement.
if (++tuplesReceived == 950u) {
printStringLn((rstring) ++cnt + "a) We received 950 tuples and sending an ack to the Gate operator now.");
tuplesReceived = 0u;
submit ({tuplesAcknowledged = 950u}, Acknowledgement);
} // End of if (++tuplesReceived == 950u)
} // End of onTuple DelayedTicker
} // End of (...) = Custom(Ticker).
} // End of composite Main