
This example puts the two commonly used standard toolkit operators to work.
They are Filter and Functor. Filter allows you to route tuples based on 
conditional checks. It provides two output ports to send the matched tuples
on the first output port and the unmatched tuples on the second output port.
Functor operator allows transforming the incoming tuple attributes and send 
it on many different output ports with different stream schemas.
namespace my.sample;

composite Main {
		Employee = tuple <rstring name, rstring title, int32 age, float32 salary>;
		Account = tuple <rstring accountHolder, rstring accountNumber, rstring ticker, int32 quantity>;
		stream <Employee> DefaultEmployeeRecord = Beacon() {			
				iterations: 100u;
		} // End of Beacon().

		// In this Custom operator, let us customize the employee record tuples.
		stream<Employee> EmployeeRecord = Custom(DefaultEmployeeRecord as DER) {
				state: mutable int32 n = 0;
				onTuple DER: {
					DER = {
						name = "Name" + (rstring) n, 
						title = "title" + (rstring) n,
						age = (n+20 <= 60) ? n+20 : 60,
						salary = (n*20000 <= 180000) ? (float32)(n*20000) : (float32)180000};
					submit(DER, EmployeeRecord);
				} // End of onTuple DER
		} // End of Custom(DefaultEmployeeRecord)

		// Note that there are two output ports for the Filter operator.
		// First port is for the matched tuples and second port is for the unmatched tuples.
		(stream <Employee> MatchedEmployeeRecord; stream <Employee> UnmatchedEmployeeRecord) = Filter(EmployeeRecord) {
				filter: age <= 45;
		} // End of Filter(EmployeeRecord)
		() as ScreenWriter1 = Custom(MatchedEmployeeRecord) {
				onTuple MatchedEmployeeRecord: printStringLn("Matched record->" + (rstring)MatchedEmployeeRecord);
		} // End of Custom(MatchedEmployeeRecord).

		() as ScreenWriter2 = Custom(UnmatchedEmployeeRecord) {
				onTuple UnmatchedEmployeeRecord: printStringLn("Unmatched record->" + (rstring)UnmatchedEmployeeRecord);
		} // End of Custom(MatchedEmployeeRecord).

		// ============== Functor related code follows ==============
		stream <Account> DefaultAccountRecord = Beacon() {
				iterations: 100u;
		} // End of Beacon().

		// In this Custom operator, let us customize the account record tuples.
		stream<Account> AccountRecord = Custom(DefaultAccountRecord as DAR) {
				state: mutable int32 n = 0;
				onTuple DAR: {
					DAR = {
						accountHolder = "AccountOwner" + (rstring) n,
						accountNumber = "AccountNumber" + (rstring) n,
						ticker = "Ticker" + (rstring)n, quantity = (n*1000 <= 8000) ? (n*1000) : 8000
					submit(DAR, AccountRecord);
				} // End of onTuple DAR
		} // End of Custom(DefaultAccountRecord as DAR)

		// Functor operator allows multiple output ports with different schemas.
		(stream <rstring accountHolder, rstring accountNumber> FirstOutput;
		 stream <rstring accountHolder, rstring ticker> SecondOutput;
		 stream <rstring accountHolder, int32 quantity> ThirdOutput) = Functor(AccountRecord) {
		 		filter: quantity < 8000;
		} // End of Functor(AccountRecord).
		() as ScreenWriter3 = Custom(FirstOutput) {
				state: mutable int32 err = 0;

			onTuple FirstOutput: {	
				printStringLn("FirstOutput->" + (rstring) FirstOutput);
				spl.file::fflush (0ul, err);
			} // End of onTuple FirstOutput
		} // End of Custom(FirstOutput).
		() as ScreenWriter4 = Custom(SecondOutput) {
				state: mutable int32 err = 0;

			onTuple SecondOutput: {	
				printStringLn("SecondOutput->" + (rstring) SecondOutput);
				spl.file::fflush (0ul, err);
			} // End of onTuple SecondOutput
		} // End of Custom(SecondOutput).
		() as ScreenWriter5 = Custom(ThirdOutput) {
				state: mutable int32 err = 0;

			onTuple ThirdOutput: {	
				printStringLn("ThirdOutput->" + (rstring) ThirdOutput);
				spl.file::fflush (0ul, err);
			} // End of onTuple ThirdOutput
		} // End of Custom(ThirdOutput).
} // End of composite Main.