Cybersecurity Toolkit Migration Guide (v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0)

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Cybersecurity Toolkit Migration Guide (v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0)

The Cybersecurity Toolkit provides operators that are capable of analyzing DNS response records. The operators in this toolkit use machine learning models to analyze DNS traffic and report on suspicious behaviour.

A number of significant features and improvements were made in v2.0.0 of the toolkit. In order to support these improvements, some API breaking changes were necessary. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to migrate your existing applications to use v2.0.0.

Migrating applications using the DomainProfiling operator

  1. In v1.0.0, the DomainProfiling operator required an input attribute called dstAddress with a type of rstring. In other words, the operator only ingested string-based IP addresses.

    To improve performance, the operator now supports only numeric IP addresses. Thus, the operator now expects an input attribute called dstAddress with a type of uint32.

    The pre-defined DPDNSResponseMessage_t type has been updated to reflect this change. Applications using this type will need to modify upstream operators, such as the DNSMessageParser operator, to assign a numeric value to this attribute.

  2. In v1.0.0, the DomainProfiling operator required input attributes called answerData and additionalData.

    To improve performance, the operator no longer requires this data in order to function. The operator has been updated to not expect these attributes to be present on the input schema.

    These attributes have been removed from the pre-defined DPDNSResponseMessage_t type. Applications using this pre-defined type may encounter an error when assigning values to these attributes (since they no longer exist in the schema). One of the following approaches can be taken to resolve this issue:

    • Remove the assignments from the upstream operator
    • Re-add these attributes to the output schema of the upstream operator

Migrating applications using the HostProfiling operator

  1. In v1.0.0, the HostProfiling operator required an input attribute called dstAddress with a type of rstring. In other words, the operator only ingested string-based IP addresses.

    To improve performance, the operator now supports only numeric IP addresses. Thus, the operator now expects an input attribute called dstAddress with a type of uint32.

    The pre-defined HPDNSResponseMessage_t type has been updated to reflect this change. Applications using this type will need to modify upstream operators, such as the DNSMessageParser operator, to assign a numeric value to this attribute.

  2. In v1.0.0, the HostProfiling operator required input attributes called answerData and additionalData.

    To improve performance, the operator no longer requires this data in order to function. The operator has been updated to not expect these attributes to be present on the input schema.

    These attributes have been removed from the pre-defined HPDNSResponseMessage_t type. Applications using this pre-defined type may encounter an error when assigning values to these attributes (since they no longer exist in the schema). One of the following approaches can be taken to resolve this issue:

    • Remove the assignments from the upstream operator
    • Re-add these attributes to the output schema of the upstream operator

Migrating applications using the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator

  1. In v1.0.0, the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator required an input attribute called dstAddress with a type of rstring. In other words, the operator only ingested a string-based IP address for the destination address.

    To improve performance, the operator now supports only a numeric IP address for the destination address. Thus, the operator now expects an input attribute called dstAddress with a type of uint32.

    The pre-defined PBPDNSResponseMessage_t* type has been updated to reflect this change. Applications using this type will need to modify upstream operators, such as the DNSMessageParser operator, to assign a numeric value to this attribute.

  2. In v1.0.0, the PredictiveBlacklistingFE operator required input attributes called answerCount, nameserverCount and additionalCount.

    To improve performance, the operator no longer requires this data in order to function. The operator has been updated to not expect these attributes to be present on the input schema.

    These attributes have been removed from the pre-defined PBDNSResponseMessage_t type. Applications using this pre-defined type may encounter an error when assigning values to these attributes (since they no longer exist in the schema). One of the following approaches can be taken to resolve this issue:

    • Remove the assignments from the upstream operator
    • Re-add these attributes to the output schema of the upstream operator

Migrating applications using the BWListTagger operator

  1. The BWListTag_e enum type contains the values output values for the BWListTagger operator. In v1.0.0, this type contains four possible values: {nonMatched, whiteList, blackListIP, blackListDomain}

    In order to simply the number of values that an application needs to check, the blackListIP and blackListDomain values have been removed and replaced with a value of blackList.

    Applications that check the values returned by the BWListTagger will need to be updated to reflect the above change.

  2. In v1.0.0, the BWListTagger operator supported dynamic updates through 4 control ports, where each control port accepted a filename to update a different internal lookup table (IP-whitelist, IP-blacklist, domain-whitelist or domain-blacklist).

    In v2.0.0, in order to support updating the internal tables from an arbitrary input source (i.e. files, K/V store lookup, messaging apps, etc), the operator has been modified to include only a single control port. This control port accepts a tuple of type BWListUpdate_t. This type has the following schema:

     type BWListUpdate_t = rstring domainIP, BWListAction_e action, BWListTag_e listTag

    Upstream operators can submit a tuple of BWListUpdate_t to the control port to add/remove and IP or domain to/from the internal lookup tables. The BWListAction_e enum type has the following values: {add, remove}.

    In order to maintain performance and to ensure that the operator continues to process tuples as fast as possible, any updates made to the internal lookup tables via the control port are not committed until the port receives a window punctuation. Once a a puctuation is received, the operator will stop processing tuples, apply the changes to the internal lookup tables and then resume processing.

    A sample application will be available on GitHub to demonstrate how to dynamically the update the operator using a file-based approach similar to v1.0.0 of the operator. Applications previously using the dynamic update feature of the operator should refer to this sample prior to making changes to their application.

  3. In v1.0.0, The BWListTagger operator supported two output functions: getDomainTags() and getIPTags(). The return type for these functions were either BWListTag_e or *list*, depending on whether the input attribute was a scalar value or a list (i.e. a single domain or a list or domains).

    In v2.0.0, the operator has been enhanced to support nested custom output functions. This feature allows the user to use expressions that include the output functions when specifying a value on the output port. As part of this effort, the return type for the getDomainTags() and getIPTags() output functions is now *list*, regardless of whether the input attribute is a scalar or list.

    Applications that previously relied on the output functions returning a single BWListTag_e value can achieve the same result by accessing the list item at index 0. Take the following example of an existing application, where domainTag and ipTag are BWListTag_e:

       BWListTagger_OutStream : domainTag = getDomainTags(), ipTag = getIPTags();

    To migrate this application to use v2.0.0, the output clause assignments need to modified to access the element at index 0:

       BWListTagger_OutStream : domainTag = getDomainTags()[0], ipTag = getIPTags()[0];