Functions: Toolkits

Toolkits > Functions


Take a subscription and modify it to account for parallel regions in the publisher or subscriber.
andFilter(rstring, rstring)
Return a string representation of cond1 && cond2.
Check a topic filter is valid.
Check a topic name is valid.
equalsFilter(rstring, float64)
Return a string representation of name == value for a float64 attribute.
equalsFilter(rstring, int64)
Return a string representation of name == value for a int64 attribute.
equalsFilter(rstring, rstring)
Return a string representation of name == value for a rstring attribute.
Get the subscription that matches a topic for topic based subscription.
getTopicSubscription(rstring, boolean)
Get the subscription that matches a topic for topic based subscription with explicit matching for the publisher allowing filters.
inFilter(rstring, list<rstring>)
Return a string representation of filter name in values for a rstring attribute.
orFilter(rstring, rstring)
Return a string representation of cond1 || cond2.
Set filter for input port zero.
Set a subscription expression adding in UDP channel based matching if the subscriber is in a parallel region.