Submission of SPL tuples from Python

Toolkits > 2.1.0 > > Creating SPL Operators from Python code > Submission of SPL tuples from Python

The return from a decorated callable results in submission of SPL tuples on the associated outut port.

A Python function must return:
  • None
  • a Python tuple
  • a Python dictionary
  • a list containing any of the above.


When None is return then no tuple will be submitted to the operator's output port.

Python tuple

When a Python tuple is returned is is converted to an SPL tuple and submitted to the output port.

The values of a Python tuple are assigned to an output SPL tuple by position, so the first value in the Python tuple is assigned to the first attribute in the SPL tuple.

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>
def myfunc(a,b):
   return (a,b,a+b)

# The SPL output will be:
# All values explictly set by returned Python tuple
# based on the x,y values from the input tuple
# x is set to: x 
# y is set to: y
# z is set to: x+y

The returned tuple may be sparse, any attribute value in the tuple that is None will be set to their SPL default or copied from the input tuple, depending on the operator kind.

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 x>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>
def myfunc(a,b):
   return (a,None,a+b)

# The SPL output will be:
# x is set to: x (explictly set by returned Python tuple)
# y is set to: y (set by matching input SPL attribute)
# z is set to: x+y

When a returned tuple has less values than attributes in the SPL output schema the attributes not set by the Python function will be set to their SPL default or copied from the input tuple, depending on the operator kind.

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 x>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>
def myfunc(a,b):
   return a,

# The SPL output will be:
# x is set to: x (explictly set by returned Python tuple)
# y is set to: y (set by matching input SPL attribute)
# z is set to: 0 (default int32 value)

When a returned tuple has more values than attributes in the SPL output schema then the additional values are ignored.

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 x>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>
def myfunc(a,b):
   return (a,b,a+b,a/b)

# The SPL output will be:
# All values explictly set by returned Python tuple
# based on the x,y values from the input tuple
# x is set to: x
# y is set to: y
# z is set to: x+y
# The fourth value in the tuple a/b = x/y is ignored.

Python dictionary

A Python dictionary is converted to a SPL tuple for submission to the associated output port. An SPL attribute is set from the dictionary if the dictionary contains a key equal to the attribute name. The value is used to set the attribute, unless the attribute is None.

If the value in the dictionary is None or no matching key exists then the attribute's value is set fom the input tuple or to its default value depending on the operator kind.

Any keys in the dictionary that do not map to SPL attribute names are ignored.

Python list

When a list returned, each value is converted to an SPL tuple and submitted to the output port, in order of the list starting with the first tuple (position 0). If the list contains None at an index then no SPL tuple is submitted for that index.

The list must only contain Python tuples, dictionaries or None. The list can contain a mix of valid values.

The list may be empty resulting in no tuples being submitted.