

Extracts SPL Python primitive operators from decorated Python classes and functions.

Executing this script against an SPL toolkit creates the SPL primitive operator meta-data required by the SPL compiler (sc).


spl-python-extract [-h] -i DIRECTORY [--make-toolkit] [-v]

Extract SPL operators from decorated Python classes and functions.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Toolkit directory
  --make-toolkit        Index toolkit using spl-make-toolkit
  -v, --verbose         Print more diagnostics

SPL Python primitive operators

SPL operators that call a Python function or callable class are created by decorators provided by the streamsx package.

To create SPL operators from Python functions or classes one or more Python modules are created in the opt/python/streams directory of an SPL toolkit.

spl-python-extract is a Python script that creates SPL operators from Python functions and classes contained in modules under opt/python/streams.

The resulting operators embed the Python runtime to allow stream processing using Python.

Details on how to implement SPL Python primitive operators see streamsx.spl.spl.