Endpoints and buckets

IBMStreams com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage Toolkit > com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage 2.2.5 > Endpoints and buckets

When creating a IBM COS bucket, you need to select the region and resiliency. To access the bucket you need to use the corresponding IBM COS endpoint.

If your application shall run in a Streaming Analytics service instance, then it is recommended, for best performance, to create a bucket with:

  • Resiliency: regional
  • Location: Near your Streaming Analytics service, for example us-south

  • Storage class: Standard

With these setting above it is recommended to use the private endpoint for the US-South region: s3.private.us-south.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud


  • Use public endpoints to point your application that are hosted outside of the IBM cloud.
  • Use cross-region endpoints for buckets creation with cross-region resiliency.

Find the list of endpoints and the endpoint description here: IBM Cloud Object Storage Endpoints