
IBMStreams com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage Toolkit > com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage 2.2.5 > com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage > ObjectStorageSource > Examples

These examples use the ObjectStorageSource operator.

a) ObjectStorageSource with dynamic object names to be read

Sample is using bucket as submission parameter and cos application configuration with property cos.creds to specify the IBM COS credentials: As endpoint is the public us-geo (CROSS REGION) the default value of the os-endpoint submission parameter.

composite Main {
        expression<rstring> $bucket: getSubmissionTimeValue("os-bucket");
        expression<rstring> $endpoint: getSubmissionTimeValue("os-endpoint", "s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud");
        // ObjectStorageScan operator with directory and pattern
        stream<rstring objectname> Scanned = com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage::ObjectStorageScan() {

                objectStorageURI: com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage.s3::getObjectStorageURI($bucket);
                endpoint: $endpoint;
                directory: "/sample";
                pattern: ".*";

        // use a ObjectStorageSource operator to process the object names
        // The first output attribute must be the data attribute.
        // Attributes from input stream, like objectname, are forwarded if defined in output stream with same attribute name and type.
        stream<rstring line, rstring objectname> Data = com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage::ObjectStorageSource(Scanned) {
                objectStorageURI: com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage.s3::getObjectStorageURI($bucket);
                endpoint: $endpoint;

b) ObjectStorageSource with static object name to be read

Sample is using the credentials parameter to specify the IBM COS credentials. Set the objectStorageURI either in format "cos://<bucket-name>/" or "s3a://<bucket-name>/".

composite Main {
        expression<rstring> $credentials: getSubmissionTimeValue("os-credentials");
        expression<rstring> $objectStorageURI: getSubmissionTimeValue("os-uri");
        expression<rstring> $endpoint: getSubmissionTimeValue("os-endpoint", "s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud");
        // read text object
        // use a ObjectStorageSource operator with no input port to process a single object
        stream<rstring line> TxtData = com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage::ObjectStorageSource() {
                credentials: $credentials;
                objectStorageURI: $objectStorageURI;
                endpoint: $endpoint;
                objectName: "sample.txt";

        // read binary object
        // use a ObjectStorageSource operator with no input port to process a single object
        stream<blob block> BinData = com.ibm.streamsx.objectstorage::ObjectStorageSource() {
                credentials: $credentials;
                objectStorageURI: $objectStorageURI;
                endpoint: $endpoint;
                objectName: "sample.bin";
                blockSize: 0; // loads file as a single tuple