Functions: Toolkits

Toolkits > Functions


countNgrams(rstring, uint32)
This function counts each n-gram in the string and places the counter in the result list at the same index as located in the string.
generateNgram(list<rstring>, uint32, list<rstring>)
Generates n-grams of co-occuring words within a given window
generateNgram(list<rstring>, uint32, uint32, list<rstring>)
Generates a set of n-grams of co-occuring words within a given window.
getNgrams(rstring, uint32)
This function counts each n-gram in the string and places the n-gram and the counter in the result map as a key/value pair.
Get the toolkit root directory.
Initialize and read lexicon files from default directory (<toolkit_dir>/etc/gposttl)
Initialize and read lexicon files from given directory
lemmatize(rstring, list<rstring>)
Lemmatizing of the input text
lemmatize(rstring, list<rstring>, list<rstring>, list<rstring>)
PoS-tagging and lemmatizing of the input text