
Kafka Toolkit > 3.2.2 > > Configuration

The operators use Kafka's Producer or Consumer API. As a consequence, you can specify all properties for the APIs to control the behavior of the operators. The producer configuration for Apache Kafka 2.5 can be found in the producer configs section of the Apache Kafka 2.5 documentation, the configs for the Apache Kafka 2.5 consumer can be found in the consumer configs section of the Apache Kafka 2.5 documentation.

Properties can be specified in different ways:

  • as an Application configuration - you must specify the name of the App Config in the appConfigName parameter
  • in a property file - you must specify the filename in the propertiesFile parameter
  • operator parameters clientId and groupId (groupId for the KafkaConsumer operator only)

Kafka properties can be specified by using these mechanisms simultaneously. The precedence is

  • parameter
  • property file
  • application configuration. For Streams version 4.x users: Please note that an application configuration with instance scope takes precedence over a configuration with same name at domain level.