IBMStreams streamsx.inetserver Toolkit > 4.3.4 > > HTTPS Support
Overview of HTTP and HTTPS support for operators.
By default the REST operators provide open ports with no authentication or encryption. This mode is useful for development, testing, proof-of-concept applications and demonstrations. The only configuration is the port number for the HTTP server, which defaults to 8080.
All password parameters accept the Jetty obfuscated password style, which provides protection from casual viewing only. If the password values starts with OBF: then it is assumed to be already obfuscated, otherwise it is obfuscated before being passed to Jetty. The Jetty utility may be used to obfuscate passwords, for example when passing them as submission time values. In addition the SPL function obfuscate(T) is provided as an option to obfuscate values.
The port number can be specified, and defaults to 8080.
Note that a single Jetty instance (potentially shared by multiple operators) either uses HTTPS or HTTP, not both.
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias mykey -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -validity 1000 -keystore etc/keystore.jks -dname "CN=<name/hostname>, OU=<org unit>, O=<organization>, L=<locality>, ST=<state>, C=<two-letter country code>"
keytool -list -v -keystore etc/keystore.jks
keytool -export -rfc -alias mykey -file etc/servercert.pem -storepass changeit -keystore etc/keystore.jks
keytool -import -file etc/servercert.pem -alias mykey -keystore etc/cacert.jks -storepass changeit -trustcacerts
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias myclientkey -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore etc/clientkey.jks -dname "CN=<name/hostname>, OU=<org unit>, O=<organization>, L=<locality>, ST=<state>, C=<two-letter country code>"
keytool -export -rfc -alias myclientkey -file etc/clientkey.pem -keystore etc/clientkey.jks -storepass changeit -keypass changeit
keytool -import -file etc/clientkey.pem -alias myclientkey -keystore etc/cacert.jks -storepass changeit -trustcacerts
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias myclientkey -storepass changeit -keystore etc/client.pfx -storetype PKCS12 -dname "CN=<name/hostname>, OU=<org unit>, O=<organization>, L=<locality>, ST=<state>, C=<two-letter country code>"
keytool -export -rfc -alias myclientkey -file etc/clientkey.pem -storepass changeit -keystore etc/client.pfx -storetype PKCS12
keytool -import -file etc/clientkey.pem -keystore etc/cacerts.jks -storepass changeit -trustcacerts rm etc/clientkey.pem