Sharing the Eclipse Jetty Instance

IBMStreams streamsx.inetserver Toolkit > 4.3.4 > > Sharing the Eclipse Jetty Instance

All operators of this toolkit embed a Jetty webserver and all operator invocations in an SPL application that are co-located/fused in same partition (PE) will share a common Jetty instance. Thus by fusing these operators together with a common port value, a single web-server serving a single SPL application can be created. This sharing of the web-server by fusing multiple operators allows the operators to be logically connected in the SPL graph, rather than a single operator with multiple unrelated streams being connected to it.

Static content in the sub-directory html of the application's opt directory will also be served by the embedded web-server, thus allowing a complete web-application with live data to be served by an SPL application. The default URL for the web-server resolves to {application_dir}/opt/html/index.html

Operators that support the context and contextResourceBase SPL parameters will serve static files from the contextResourceBase directory rooted at the supplied context path.

Multiple operators share a single jetty server instance if:
  • they are fused in a single processing element (config placement: partitionColocation),
  • and they use the same port parameter value
This allows operators to expose streams through the same webserver without having to be connected in the SPL graph.
Operators which are using a shared jetty instance must have the same parameter values for parameters
  • port
  • host
  • certificateAlias
  • keyStore
  • keyStorePassword
  • keyPassword
  • sslAppConfigName

Note: Jetty server instances will fail to start if they are placed on a single host and use the same port number.