IBMStreams streamsx.eventstore Toolkit > 2.5.0.beta > > EventStoreSink > Behavior in a consistent region
The operator can participate in a consistent region. The operator can be part of a consistent region, but cannot be at the start of a consistent region.
Consistent region supports that tuples are processed at least once.
Failures during tuple processing or drain are handled by the operator and consistent region support.
Incoming tuples are processed in batches, where the queued tuples will be to send rows to IBM Db2 Event Store, when the configured size of the batch is reached.
On drain, the operator flushes its internal buffer and inserts the (remaining) queued tuples as batch into the database.
On checkpoint, the values of the metrics (nWriteSuccesses and nWriteFailures) are written to the checkpoint.
On reset, the internal buffer is cleared and metrics are restored with values that are read from checkpoint.