streamsx.topology.mqtt module

Publish and subscribe to MQTT messages.

Additional information at and

class streamsx.topology.mqtt.MqttStreams(topology, config)

Bases: object

A simple connector to a MQTT broker for publishing string tuples to MQTT topics, and subscribing to MQTT topics and creating streams.

A connector is for a specific MQTT Broker as specified in the configuration object config. Any number of publish()and subscribe() connections may be created from a single mqtt_streams connector.

Sample use:

topo = Topology("An MQTT application")
# define configuration information
config = {}
config['clientID'] = "test_MQTTpublishClient"
config['qos'] = int("1") #(needs to be int vs long)
config['keepAliveInterval'] = int(20) (needs to be int vs long)
config['commandTimeout'] = 30000 (needs to be int vs long)
config['period'] = 5000 (needs to be int vs long)
config['messageQueueSize'] = 10 (needs to be int vs long)
config['reconnectionBound'] = int(20)
config['retain'] = True
config['password'] = "foobar"
config['trustStore'] = "/tmp/no-such-trustStore"
config['trustStorePassword'] = "woohoo"
config['keyStore'] = "/tmp/no-such-keyStore"
config['keyStorePassword'] = "woohoo"

# create the connector's configuration property map
config['serverURI'] = "tcp://localhost:1883"
config['userID'] = "user1id"
config[' password'] = "user1passwrd"

# create the connector
mqstream = MqttStreams(topo, config)

# publish a python source stream to the topic "python.topic1"
topic = "python.topic1"
src = topo.source(test_functions.mqtt_publish)
mqs = mqstream.publish(src, topic)

# subscribe to the topic "python.topic1"
topic = ["python.topic1", ]
mqs = mqstream.subscribe(topic)

Configuration properties apply to publish and subscribe unless stated otherwise.

Required String. URI to the MQTT server, either

tcp://<hostid>[:<port>]} or ssl://<hostid>[:<port>]}. The port defaults to 1883 for “tcp:” and 8883 for “ssl:” URIs.

Optional String. A unique identifier for a connection

to the MQTT server. he MQTT broker only allows a single onnection for a particular clientID. By default a unique client ID is automatically generated for each use of publish() and subscribe(). The specified clientID is used for the first publish() or subscribe() use and suffix is added for each subsequent uses.

Optional Integer. Automatically generate a MQTT ping message to the server if a message or ping hasn’t been sent or received in the last keelAliveInterval seconds. Enables the client to detect if the server is no longer available without having to wait for the TCP/IP timeout. A value of 0 disables keepalive processing. The default is 60.
Optional Long. The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a MQTT connect or publish action to complete. A value of 0 causes the client to wait indefinitely. The default is 0.
Optional Long. The time in milliseconds before attempting to reconnect to the server following a connection failure. The default is 60000.
Optional String. The identifier to use when authenticating with a server configured to require that form of authentication.
Optional String. The identifier to use when authenticating with server configured to require that form of authentication.
Optional String. The pathname to a file containing the public certificate of trusted MQTT servers. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to the application directory. Required when connecting to a MQTT server with an ssl:/... serverURI.
Required String when trustStore is used. The password needed to access the encrypted trustStore file.
Optional String. The pathname to a file containing the MQTT client’s public private key certificates. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to the application directory. Required when an MQTT server is configured to use SSL client authentication.
Required String when keyStore is used. The password needed to access the encrypted keyStore file.
[subscribe] Optional Integer. The size, in number of messages, of the subscriber’s internal receive buffer. Received messages are added to the buffer prior to being converted to a stream tuple. The receiver blocks when the buffer is full. The default is 50.
[publish] Optional Boolean. Indicates if messages should be retained on the MQTT server. Default is false.
Optional Integer. The default
MQTT quality of service used for message handling.

The default is 0.

publish(pub_stream, topic)