
SPL Python primitive operators.


SPL primitive operators that call a Python function or class methods are created by decorators provided by this module.

The name of the function or callable class becomes the name of the operator.

Once created the operators become part of a toolkit and may be used like any other SPL operator.

A decorated function is a stateless operator while a decorated class is an optionally stateful operator.

These are the supported decorators that create an SPL operator:

  • @spl.source - Creates a source operator that produces tuples.
  • @spl.filter - Creates a operator that filters tuples.
  • - Creates a operator that maps input tuples to output tuples.
  • @spl.for_each - Creates a operator that terminates a stream processing each tuple.
  • @spl.primitive_operator - Creates an SPL primitive operator that has an arbitrary number of input and output ports.

Python classes as SPL operators


Decorating a Python class creates a stateful SPL operator where the instance fields of the class are the operator’s state. An instance of the class is created when the SPL operator invocation is initialized at SPL runtime. The instance of the Python class is private to the SPL operator and is maintained for the lifetime of the operator.

If the class has instance fields then they are the state of the operator and are private to each invocation of the operator.

If the __init__ method has parameters beyond the first self parameter then they are mapped to operator parameters. Any parameter that has a default value becomes an optional parameter to the SPL operator. Parameters of the form *args and **kwargs are not supported.


Parameter names must be valid SPL identifers, SPL identifiers start with an ASCII letter or underscore, followed by ASCII letters, digits, or underscores. The name also must not be an SPL keyword.

Parameter names suppress and include are reserved.

The value of the operator parameters at SPL operator invocation are passed to the __init__ method. This is equivalent to creating an instance of the class passing the operator parameters into the constructor.

For example, with this decorated class producing an SPL source operator:

class Range(object):
  def __init__(self, stop, start=0):
    self.start = start
    self.stop = stop

  def __iter__(self):
      return zip(range(self.start, self.stop))

The SPL operator Range has two parameters, stop is mandatory and start is optional, defaulting to zero. Thus the SPL operator may be invoked as:

// Produces the sequence of values from 0 to 99
// Creates an instance of the Python class
// Range using Range(100)
stream<int32 seq> R = Range() {
    stop: 100;

or both operator parameters can be set:

// Produces the sequence of values from 50 to 74
// Creates an instance of the Python class
// Range using Range(75, 50)
stream<int32 seq> R = Range() {
    start: 50;
    stop: 75;

Operator state

Use of a class allows the operator to be stateful by maintaining state in instance attributes across invocations (tuple processing).

When the operator is in a consistent region or checkpointing then it is serialized using dill. The default serialization may be modified by using the standard Python pickle mechanism of __getstate__ and __setstate__. This is required if the state includes objects that cannot be serialized, for example file descriptors. For details see See .

If the class has __enter__ and __exit__ context manager methods then __enter__ is called after the instance has been deserialized by dill. Thus __enter__ is used to recreate runtime objects that cannot be serialized such as open files or sockets.

Operator initialization & shutdown

Execution of an instance for an operator effectively run in a context manager so that an instance’s __enter__ method is called when the processing element containing the operator is initialized and its __exit__ method called when the processing element is stopped. To take advantage of this the class must define both __enter__ and __exit__ methods.


Initialization such as opening files should be in __enter__ in order to support stateful operator restart & checkpointing.

Example of using __enter__ and __exit__ to open and close a file:

import as ec
class Sentiment(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.file = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self.file = open(, 'r')

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        if self.file is not None:

    def __call__(self):

When an instance defines a valid __exit__ method then it will be called with an exception when:

  • the instance raises an exception during processing of a tuple
  • a data conversion exception is raised converting a Python value to an SPL tuple or attribute

If __exit__ returns a true value then the exception is suppressed and processing continues, otherwise the enclosing processing element will be terminated.

Application log and trace

IBM Streams provides application trace and log services which are accesible through standard Python loggers from the logging module.

See Application log and trace.

Python functions as SPL operators

Decorating a Python function creates a stateless SPL operator. In SPL terms this is similar to an SPL Custom operator, where the code in the Python function is the custom code. For operators with input ports the function is called for each input tuple, passing a Python representation of the SPL input tuple. For an SPL source operator the function is called to obtain an iterable whose contents will be submitted to the output stream as SPL tuples.

Operator parameters are not supported.

An example SPL sink operator that prints each input SPL tuple after its conversion to a Python tuple:

def PrintTuple(*tuple_):
    "Print each tuple to standard out."
     print(tuple_, flush=True)

Processing SPL tuples in Python

SPL tuples are converted to Python objects and passed to a decorated callable.


For each SPL tuple arriving at an input port a Python function is called with the SPL tuple converted to Python values suitable for the function call. How the tuple is passed is defined by the tuple passing style.

Tuple Passing Styles

An input tuple can be passed to Python function using a number of different styles:
  • dictionary
  • tuple
  • attributes by name not yet implemented
  • attributes by position


Passing the SPL tuple as a Python dictionary is flexible and makes the operator independent of any schema. A disadvantage is the reduction in code readability for Python function by not having formal parameters, though getters such as tuple['id'] mitigate that to some extent. If the function is general purpose and can derive meaning from the keys that are the attribute names then **kwargs can be useful.

When the only function parameter is **kwargs (e.g. def myfunc(**tuple_):) then the passing style is dictionary.

All of the attributes are passed in the dictionary using the SPL schema attribute name as the key.


Passing the SPL tuple as a Python tuple is flexible and makes the operator independent of any schema but is brittle to changes in the SPL schema. Another disadvantage is the reduction in code readability for Python function by not having formal parameters. However if the function is general purpose and independent of the tuple contents *args can be useful.

When the only function parameter is *args (e.g. def myfunc(*tuple_):) then the passing style is tuple.

All of the attributes are passed as a Python tuple with the order of values matching the order of the SPL schema.

Attributes by name

(not yet implemented)

Passing attributes by name can be robust against changes in the SPL scheme, e.g. additional attributes being added in the middle of the schema, but does require that the SPL schema has matching attribute names.

When attributes by name is used then SPL tuple attributes are passed to the function by name for formal parameters. Order of the attributes and parameters need not match. This is supported for function parameters of kind POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and KEYWORD_ONLY.

If the function signature also contains a parameter of the form **kwargs (VAR_KEYWORD) then any attributes not bound to formal parameters are passed in its dictionary using the SPL schema attribute name as the key.

If the function signature also contains an arbitrary argument list *args then any attributes not bound to formal parameters or to **kwargs are passed in order of the SPL schema.

If there are only formal parameters any non-bound attributes are not passed into the function.

Attributes by position

Passing attributes by position allows the SPL operator to be independent of the SPL schema but is brittle to changes in the SPL schema. For example a function expecting an identifier and a sensor reading as the first two attributes would break if an attribute representing region was added as the first SPL attribute.

When attributes by position is used then SPL tuple attributes are passed to the function by position for formal parameters. The first SPL attribute in the tuple is passed as the first parameter. This is supported for function parameters of kind POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD.

If the function signature also contains an arbitrary argument list *args (VAR_POSITIONAL) then any attributes not bound to formal parameters are passed in order of the SPL schema.

The function signature must not contain a parameter of the form **kwargs (VAR_KEYWORD).

If there are only formal parameters any non-bound attributes are not passed into the function.

The SPL schema must have at least the number of positional arguments the function requires.

Selecting the style

For signatures only containing a parameter of the form *args or **kwargs the style is implicitly defined:

  • def f(**tuple_) - dictionary - tuple_ will contain a dictionary of all of the SPL tuple attribute’s values with the keys being the attribute names.
  • def f(*tuple_) - tuple - tuple_ will contain all of the SPL tuple attribute’s values in order of the SPL schema definition.

Otherwise the style is set by the style parameter to the decorator, defaulting to attributes by name. The style value can be set to:

  • 'name' - attributes by name (the default)
  • 'position' - attributes by position

Note: For backwards compatibility @spl.pipe and @spl.sink always use attributes by position and do not support **kwargs. They do not support the style parameter.


These examples show how an SPL tuple with the schema and value:

tuple<rstring id, float64 temp, boolean increase>
{id='battery', temp=23.7, increase=true}

is passed into a variety of functions by showing the effective Python call and the resulting values of the function’s parameters.

Dictionary consuming all attributes by **kwargs:
def f(**tuple_)
# f({'id':'battery', 'temp':23.7, 'increase': True})
#     tuple_={'id':'battery', 'temp':23.7, 'increase':True}

Tuple consuming all attributes by *args:
def f(*tuple_)
# f('battery', 23.7, True)
#     tuple_=('battery',23.7, True)

Attributes by name consuming all attributes:
def f(id, temp, increase)
# f(id='battery', temp=23.7, increase=True)
#     id='battery'
#     temp=23.7
#     increase=True

Attributes by name consuming a subset of attributes:
def f(id, temp)
# f(id='battery', temp=23.7)
#    id='battery'
#    temp=23.7

Attributes by name consuming a subset of attributes in a different order:
def f(increase, temp)
# f(temp=23.7, increase=True)
#    increase=True
#    temp=23.7

Attributes by name consuming id by name and remaining attributes by **kwargs:
def f(id, **tuple_)
# f(id='battery', {'temp':23.7, 'increase':True})
#    id='battery'
#    tuple_={'temp':23.7, 'increase':True}

Attributes by name consuming id by name and remaining attributes by *args:
def f(id, *tuple_)
# f(id='battery', 23.7, True)
#    id='battery'
#    tuple_=(23.7, True)

Attributes by position consuming all attributes:'position')
def f(key, value, up)
# f('battery', 23.7, True)
#    key='battery'
#    value=23.7
#    up=True

Attributes by position consuming a subset of attributes:'position')
def f(a, b)
# f('battery', 23.7)
#    a='battery'
#    b=23.7

Attributes by position consuming id by position and remaining attributes by *args:'position')
def f(key, *tuple_)
# f('battery', 23.7, True)
#    key='battery'
#    tuple_=(23.7, True)

In all cases the SPL tuple must be able to provide all parameters required by the function. If the SPL schema is insufficient then an error will result, typically an SPL compile time error.

The SPL schema can provide a subset of the formal parameters if the remaining attributes are optional (having a default).

Attributes by name consuming a subset of attributes with an optional parameter not matched by the schema:
def f(id, temp, pressure=None)
# f(id='battery', temp=23.7)
#     id='battery'
#     temp=23.7
#     pressure=None

Submission of SPL tuples from Python

The return from a decorated callable results in submission of SPL tuples on the associated outut port.

A Python function must return:
  • None
  • a Python tuple
  • a Python dictionary
  • a list containing any of the above.


When None is return then no tuple will be submitted to the operator output port.

Python tuple

When a Python tuple is returned it is converted to an SPL tuple and submitted to the output port.

The values of a Python tuple are assigned to an output SPL tuple by position, so the first value in the Python tuple is assigned to the first attribute in the SPL tuple:

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>'position')
def myfunc(a,b):
   return (a,b,a+b)

# The SPL output will be:
# All values explictly set by returned Python tuple
# based on the x,y values from the input tuple
# x is set to: x
# y is set to: y
# z is set to: x+y

The returned tuple may be sparse, any attribute value in the tuple that is None will be set to their SPL default or copied from a matching attribute in the input tuple (same name and type, or same name and same type as the underlying type of an output attribute with an optional type), depending on the operator kind:

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>'position')
def myfunc(a,b):
   return (a,None,a+b)

# The SPL output will be:
# x is set to: x (explictly set by returned Python tuple)
# y is set to: y (set by matching input SPL attribute)
# z is set to: x+y

When a returned tuple has fewer values than attributes in the SPL output schema the attributes not set by the Python function will be set to their SPL default or copied from a matching attribute in the input tuple (same name and type, or same name and same type as the underlying type of an output attribute with an optional type), depending on the operator kind:

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>'position')
def myfunc(a,b):
   return a,

# The SPL output will be:
# x is set to: x (explictly set by returned Python tuple)
# y is set to: y (set by matching input SPL attribute)
# z is set to: 0 (default int32 value)

When a returned tuple has more values than attributes in the SPL output schema then the additional values are ignored:

# SPL input schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y>
# SPL output schema: tuple<int32 x, float64 y, float32 z>'position')
def myfunc(a,b):
   return (a,b,a+b,a/b)

# The SPL output will be:
# All values explictly set by returned Python tuple
# based on the x,y values from the input tuple
# x is set to: x
# y is set to: y
# z is set to: x+y
# The fourth value in the tuple a/b = x/y is ignored.

Python dictionary

A Python dictionary is converted to an SPL tuple for submission to the associated output port. An SPL attribute is set from the dictionary if the dictionary contains a key equal to the attribute name. The value is used to set the attribute, unless the value is None.

If the value in the dictionary is None, or no matching key exists, then the attribute value is set to its SPL default or copied from a matching attribute in the input tuple (same name and type, or same name and same type as the underlying type of an output attribute with an optional type), depending on the operator kind.

Any keys in the dictionary that do not map to SPL attribute names are ignored.

Python list

When a list is returned, each value is converted to an SPL tuple and submitted to the output port, in order of the list starting with the first element (position 0). If the list contains None at an index then no SPL tuple is submitted for that index.

The list must only contain Python tuples, dictionaries or None. The list can contain a mix of valid values.

The list may be empty resulting in no tuples being submitted.

Module contents


extracting Is a module being loaded by spl-python-extract.
ignore Decorator to ignore a Python function.
pipe Decorator to create an SPL operator from a function.
sink Creates an SPL operator with a single input port.


PrimitiveOperator Primitive operator super class.
filter Decorator that creates a filter SPL operator from a callable class or function.
for_each Creates an SPL operator with a single input port.
input_port Declare an input port and its processor method.
map Decorator to create a map SPL operator from a callable class or function.
primitive_operator Creates an SPL primitive operator with an arbitrary number of input ports and output ports.
source Create a source SPL operator from an iterable.
class streamsx.spl.spl.PrimitiveOperator

Primitive operator super class. Classes decorated with @spl.primitive_operator must extend this class if they have one or more output ports. This class provides the submit method to submit tuples to specified otuput port.

New in version 1.8.


Notifcation that the operator can submit tuples.

Called when the primitive operator can submit tuples using submit(). An operator must not submit tuples until this method is called or until a port processing method is called.

Any implementation must not block. A typical use is to start threads that submit tuples.

An implementation must return a value that allows the SPL runtime to determine when an operator completes. An operator completes, and finalizes its output ports when:

  • All input ports (if any) have been finalized.
  • All background processing is complete.

The return from all_ports_ready defines when background processing, such as threads started by all_ports_ready, is complete. The value is one of:

  • A value that evaluates to False - No background processing exists.
  • A value that evaluates to True - Background processing exists and never completes. E.g. a source operator that processes real time events.
  • A callable - Background processing is complete when the callable returns. The SPL runtime invokes the callable once (passing no arguments) when the method returns background processing is assumed to be complete.

For example if an implementation starts a single thread then Thread.join is returned to complete the operator when the thread completes:

def all_ports_ready(self):
    submitter = threading.Thread(target=self._find_and_submit_data)
    return submitter.join

def _find_and_submit_data(self):
Returns:Value indicating active background processing.

This method implementation does nothing and returns None.

submit(port_id, tuple_)

Submit a tuple to the output port.

The value to be submitted (tuple_) can be a None (nothing will be submitted), tuple, dict` or ``list of those types. For details on how the tuple_ is mapped to an SPL tuple see Submission of SPL tuples from Python.

  • port_id – Identifier of the port specified in the output_ports parameter of the @spl.primitive_operator decorator.
  • tuple – Tuple (or tuples) to be submitted to the output port.

Is a module being loaded by spl-python-extract.

This can be used by modules defining SPL primitive operators using decorators such as, to avoid runtime behavior. Typically not importing modules that are not available locally. The extraction script loads the module to determine method signatures and thus does not invoke any methods.

For example if an SPL toolkit with primitive operators requires a package extras and is using opt/python/streams/requirements.txt to include it, then loading it at extraction time can be avoided by:

from streamsx.spl import spl

def spl_namespace():
    return 'myns.extras'

if not spl.extracting():
    import extras
def myextras(*tuple_):
    return extras.process(tuple_)

New in version 1.11.

class streamsx.spl.spl.filter(style=None, docpy=True)

Decorator that creates a filter SPL operator from a callable class or function.

A filter SPL operator has a single input port and one mandatory and one optional output port. The schema of each output port must match the input port. For each tuple on the input port the callable is called passing the contents of the tuple. if the function returns a value that evaluates to True then it is submitted to mandatory output port 0. Otherwise it it submitted to the second optional output port (1) or discarded if the port is not specified in the SPL invocation.

  • style – How the SPL tuple is passed into Python callable or function, see Processing SPL tuples in Python.
  • docpy – Copy Python docstrings into SPL operator model for SPLDOC.

Example definition:

class AttribThreshold(object):
    Filter based upon a single attribute being
    above a threshold.
    def __init__(self, attr, threshold):
        self.attr = attr
        self.threshold = threshold

    def __call__(self, **tuple_):
        return tuple_[self.attr] > self.threshold:

Example SPL invocation:

stream<rstring id, float64 voltage> Sensors = ...
stream<Sensors> InterestingSensors = AttribThreshold(Sensors) {
      attr: "voltage";
      threshold: 225.0;

Exceptions raised by __call__ can be suppressed when this decorator wraps a class with context manager __enter__ and __exit__ methods. If __exit__ returns a true value when called with the exception then the expression is suppressed and the tuple that caused the exception is dropped.

class streamsx.spl.spl.for_each(style=None, docpy=True)

Creates an SPL operator with a single input port.

A SPL operator with a single input port and no output ports. For each tuple on the input port the decorated callable is called passing the contents of the tuple.

Example definition:

def PrintTuple(*tuple_):
"""Print each tuple to standard out."""
    print(tuple_, flush=True)

Example SPL invocation:

() as PT = PrintTuple(SensorReadings) { }
  • style – How the SPL tuple is passed into Python callable, see Processing SPL tuples in Python.
  • docpy – Copy Python docstrings into SPL operator model for SPLDOC.

Exceptions raised by __call__ can be suppressed when this decorator wraps a class with context manager __enter__ and __exit__ methods. If __exit__ returns a true value when called with the exception then the expression is suppressed and the tuple that caused the exception is ignored.


Decorator to ignore a Python function.

If a Python callable is decorated with @spl.ignore then function is ignored by

Parameters:wrapped – Function that will be ignored.
class streamsx.spl.spl.input_port(style=None)

Declare an input port and its processor method.

Instance methods within a class decorated by spl.primitive_operator declare input ports by decorating methods with this decorator.

Each tuple arriving on the input port will result in a call to the processor method passing the stream tuple converted to a Python representation depending on the style. The style is determined by the method signature or the style parameter, see Processing SPL tuples in Python.

The order of the methods within the class define the order of the ports, so the first port is the first method decorated with input_port.

Parameters:style – How the SPL tuple is passed into the method, see Processing SPL tuples in Python.

New in version 1.8.

class, docpy=True)

Decorator to create a map SPL operator from a callable class or function.

Creates an SPL operator with a single input port and a single output port. For each tuple on the input port the callable is called passing the contents of the tuple.

The value returned from the callable results in zero or more tuples being submitted to the operator output port, see Submission of SPL tuples from Python.

Example definition:
class AddSeq(object):
"""Add a sequence number as the last attribute."""
def __init__(self):
    self.seq = 0

def __call__(self, *tuple_):
    id = self.seq
    self.seq += 1
    return tuple_ + (id,)

Example SPL invocation:

stream<In, tuple<uint64 seq>> InWithSeq = AddSeq(In) { }
  • style – How the SPL tuple is passed into Python callable or function, see Processing SPL tuples in Python.
  • docpy – Copy Python docstrings into SPL operator model for SPLDOC.

Exceptions raised by __call__ can be suppressed when this decorator wraps a class with context manager __enter__ and __exit__ methods. If __exit__ returns a true value when called with the exception then the exception is suppressed and the tuple that caused the exception is dropped.

Data conversion errors of the value returned by __call__ can also be suppressed by __exit__. If __exit__ returns a true value when called with the exception then the exception is suppressed and the value that caused the exception is not submitted as an SPL tuple.


Decorator to create an SPL operator from a function.

A pipe SPL operator with a single input port and a single output port. For each tuple on the input port the function is called passing the contents of the tuple.

SPL attributes from the tuple are passed by position.

The value returned from the function results in zero or more tuples being submitted to the operator output port, see Submission of SPL tuples from Python.

Deprecated since version 1.8: Recommended to use instead.

class streamsx.spl.spl.primitive_operator(output_ports=None, docpy=True)

Creates an SPL primitive operator with an arbitrary number of input ports and output ports.

Input ports are declared by decorating an instance method with input_port(). The method is the process method for the input port and is called for each tuple that arrives at the port. The order of the decorated process methods defines the order of the ports in the SPL operator, with the first process method being the first port at index zero.

Output ports are declared by the output_ports parameter which is set to a list of port identifiers. The port identifiers are arbitrary but must be hashable. Port identifiers allow the ability to submit tuples “logically’ rather than through a port index. Typically a port identifier will be a str or an enum. The size of the list defines the number of output ports with the first identifier in the list coresponding to the first output port of the operator at index zero. If the list is empty or not set then the operator has no output ports.

Tuples are submitted to an output port using submit().

When an operator has output ports it must be a sub-class of PrimitiveOperator which provides the submit() method and the ports ready notification mechanism all_ports_ready().

Example definition of an operator with a single input port and two output ports:

@spl.primitive_operator(output_ports=['MATCH', 'NEAR_MATCH'])
class SelectCustomers(spl.PrimitiveOperator):
    """ Score customers using a model.
    Customers that are a good match are submitted to port 0 ('MATCH')
    while customers that are a near match are submitted to port 1 ('NEAR_MATCH').

    Customers that are not a good or near match are not submitted to any port.
    def __init__(self, match, near_match):
        self.match = match
        self.near_match = near_match

    def customers(self, **tuple_):
         customer_score = self.score(tuple_)
         if customer_score >= self.match:
             self.submit('MATCH', tuple_)
         elif customer_score >= self.near_match:
             self.submit('NEAR_MATCH', tuple_)

    def score(self, **customer):
        # Actual model scoring omitted
        score = ...
        return score

Example SPL invocation:

(stream<Customers> MakeOffer; stream<Customers> ImproveOffer>) = SelectCustomers(Customers) {
        match: 0.9;
        near_match: 0.8;
  • output_ports (list) – List of identifiers for output ports.
  • docpy – Copy Python docstrings into SPL operator model for SPLDOC.

New in version 1.8.


Creates an SPL operator with a single input port.

A SPL operator with a single input port and no output ports. For each tuple on the input port the decorated function is called passing the contents of the tuple.

Deprecated since version 1.8: Recommended to use @spl.for_each instead.

class streamsx.spl.spl.source(docpy=True)

Create a source SPL operator from an iterable. The resulting SPL operator has a single output port.

When decorating a class the class must be iterable having an __iter__ function. When the SPL operator is invoked an instance of the class is created and an iteration is created using iter(instance).

When decoratiing a function the function must have no parameters and must return an iterable or iteration. When the SPL operator is invoked the function is called and an iteration is created using iter(value) where value is the return of the function.

For each value in the iteration SPL zero or more tuples are submitted to the output port, derived from the value, see Submission of SPL tuples from Python.

If the iteration completes then no more tuples are submitted and a final punctuation mark is submitted to the output port.

Example definition:

class Range(object):
    def __init__(self, stop, start=0):
        self.start = start
        self.stop = stop

    def __iter__(self):
        return zip(range(self.start, self.stop))

Example SPL invocation:

stream<int32 seq> R = Range() {
        stop: 100;
Parameters:docpy – Copy Python docstrings into SPL operator model for SPLDOC.

Exceptions raised by __iter__ and __next__ can be suppressed when this decorator wraps a class with context manager __enter__ and __exit__ methods.

If __exit__ returns a true value when called with an exception then the exception is suppressed.

Suppressing an exception raised by __iter__ results in the source producing an empty iteration. No tuples will be submitted.

Suppressing an exception raised by __next__ results in the source not producing any tuples for that invocation. Processing continues with a call to __next__.

Data conversion errors of the value returned by __next__ can also be suppressed by __exit__. If __exit__ returns a true value when called with the exception then the exception is suppressed and the value that caused the exception is not submitted as an SPL tuple.