########################### Restrictions and known bugs ########################### * *streamsx* versions 2.0 and higher are incompatible with Cloud Pak for Data less than version * For use of *streamsx* 2.0, the `com.ibm.streamsx.iot` toolkit must be updated to minimum version 1.3.0 on the build service or a local Streams installation. Otherwise dependency errors will occur when the application is compiled:: /opt/ibm/streams/bin/sc -M `cat main_composite.txt` ... CDISP0384E ERROR: The toolkit requires version 2.0.0 of the com.ibm.streamsx.topology toolkit, but version 1.17.0 of the required toolkit is currently installed. CDISP0884W WARNING: Errors occurred while the toolkits were loading. CDISP0092E ERROR: Because of previous compilation errors, the compile process cannot continue. make: *** [all] Error 1 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error submitting archive for build: When this error occurs, the IOT-Toolkit must be updated or added to the toolkit path (for example environment variable STREAMS_SPLPATH). To update the IoT toolkit on the CP4D buildservice to version 1.3.0, follow these steps: - download the `toolkit version 1.3.0 tarball `_ from the `toolkits release page `_ on GitHub. - ``cd`` to your download location - unpack the downloaded tarball: ``tar -zxf streamsx.iot.toolkits-1.3.0-20201208-1147.tgz`` - upload the toolkit: ``streamsx-streamtool [--disable-ssl-verify] uploadtoolkit --path com.ibm.streamsx.iot`` - you can verify that the new version is present, with ``streamsx-streamtool [--disable-ssl-verify] lstoolkit --name com.ibm.streamsx.iot``. The old and the new version should be listed. * A job that is submitted with `streamsx-streamtool` to a Cloud Pak for Data with version above 3.0 is only visible in the Streams Console. * Job submission from a Python notebook within a CP4D project on Cloud Pak for Data with version above 3.0 may fail with exception message `CDIST3419E: Submission failed. Please provide the CP4D URL in your submission configuration.` In this case, specify the CP4D URL, for example from your browser's address bar, in the submission configuration, for example:: cfg = ... cfg[ConfigParams.CP4D_URL] = 'https://cp4d-cluster.com' submission_result = submit(ContextTypes.DISTRIBUTED, topology, cfg) * For Python development outside of a CP4D, for example with a Jupyter notebook outside of CP4D, you must use an Anaconda or Miniconda Python installation. * No support for nested parallel regions at sources, i.e. nested :py:func:`streamsx.topology.topology.Stream.set_parallel`, for example:: topo = Topology() s = topo.source(S()) s.set_parallel(3).set_parallel(2) In this example, `set_parallel(3)` is ignored. * When tuples are nested within other tuples in a stream schema, the call style of instances of `StreamSchema` for a callable is always dict, whatever value the `style` property has. When the return value of a callable represents also a structured schema with nested tuples, the return type must also be a `dict`. Otherwise the behaviour is not defined. * No schema support for container types (list, map, set, and the like) with non-primitive value or element types as value or element types for other containers, also when encapsulated in a named tuple:: class A_schema(typing.NamedTuple): x: int y: int class B_schema(typing.NamedTuple): a_list: typing.List[A_schema] # supported, A_schema does not contain a container type at all class C_schema(typing.NamedTuple): c1: str c2: B_schema # supported, a container type can be nested at any depth class D_schema(typing.NamedTuple): d1: str d2: typing.Mapping[int, typing.List[int] # supported d3: typing.Mapping[int, typing.List[A_schema] # not supported: a container with non-primitive element type is direct value type of a map class E_schema(typing.NamedTuple): e1: bool e2: typing.Mapping[str, C_schema] # not supported: C_schema.c2.a_list is a list with non-primitive element type * Schemas support only primitive types for the key type of a map:: class A_schema(typing.NamedTuple): a1: int a2: int class B_schema(typing.NamedTuple): b1: str b2: typing.Mapping[str, A_schema] # supported b3: typing.Mapping[A_schema, str] # not supported, A_schema not supported as key type * Schemas support only primitive types as element type of a set:: class A_schema(typing.NamedTuple): a1: int a2: int class B_schema(typing.NamedTuple): b1: int b2: typing.Set[int] # supported b3: typing.Set[A_schema] # not supported * Python Composites (derived from :py:class:`streamsx.topology.composite.Composite`) can have only one input port. * No support to process final marker (end of stream) in Python Callables like in SPL operators * No hook for drain processing in consistent region for Python Callables * Submission time parameters, which are defined in SPL composites of other toolkits, or created by using `streamsx.spl.op.Expression` in the topology, cannot be accessed at runtime with `streamsx.ec.get_submission_time_value(name)`. * The *time-interval* window (:py:func:`streamsx.topology.topology.Stream.time_interval`) is not supported by :py:func:`streamsx.topology.topology.Window.aggregate`. Use the `spl.relational::Aggregate` operator in an *event-time* stream.