Kafka Properties
Specify properties as described here: http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#configuration. Properties are typically specified using a consumer.properties and producer.properties file in the etc directory of your application. See the samples for examples.
Here are the required properties for each operator:
- KafkaConsumer: bootstrap.servers and group.id
- KafkaProducer: bootstrap.servers and acks
If you observe hanging while working with very large message sizes, we recommend increasing the receive.buffer.bytes property.
- KafkaConsumer: DEPRECATED: The com.ibm.streamsx.messaging.kafka.KafkaConsumer operator is deprecated and is replaced by the com.ibm.streamsx.kafka.KafkaConsumer operator in the com.ibm.streamsx.kafka toolkit. The deprecated operator might be removed in a future release.
- KafkaProducer: DEPRECATED: The com.ibm.streamsx.messaging.kafka.KafkaProducer operator is deprecated and is replaced by the com.ibm.streamsx.kafka.KafkaProducer operator in the com.ibm.streamsx.kafka toolkit. The deprecated operator might be removed in a future release.