SPL File types.spl

IBMStreams com.ibm.streamsx.iot Toolkit > com.ibm.streamsx.iot 1.2.0 > com.ibm.streamsx.iot > types.spl





A device.
  • typeId - Type of device that issued the event.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device that issued the event.

Device = tuple<rstring typeId, rstring deviceId>;


A device with event identifier.
  • typeId - Type of device that issued the event.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device that issued the event.
  • eventId - Event identifier.

DeviceEventId = Device, tuple<rstring eventId>;


A device event.
  • typeId - Type of device that issued the event.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device that issued the event.
  • eventId - Event identifier.
  • jsonString - Event data in JSON IBM Watson IoT Platform event format specification.
The event payload is a JSON object using IBM Watson IoT Platform event format specification and thus has two elements:
  • d - Event data, this is the event data as sent by the device application.
  • ts - Event timestamp. This is an optional element, if included its value should be a valid ISO8601 encoded timestamp string.

DeviceEvent = DeviceEventId, Json;


A device with event identfier and timestamp. This is used as part of the output schema definition by DeviceEventExtractData.

  • typeId - Type of device that issued the event.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device that issued the event.
  • eventId - Event identifier.
  • eventTs - Event timestamp extracted from the ts key of the JSON event. eventTs has type com.ibm.streamsx.datetime.TimeMillis representing the number of milliseconds since the 1970/01/01 epoch.

DeviceEventTs = DeviceEventId, tuple<TimeMillis eventTs>;


A device status event.
  • typeId - Type of device that issued the event.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device that issued the event.
  • jsonString - Status ???

DeviceStatus = Device, Json;


A device with command identifier.
  • typeId - Type of device the command is for.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device the command is for.
  • cmdId - Command identifier.

DeviceCmdId = Device, tuple<rstring cmdId>;


A device command.
  • typeId - Type of device the command is for.
  • deviceId - Identifier of device the command is for.
  • cmdId - Command identifier.
  • jsonString - Command data.
The command data is a JSON object using IBM Watson IoT Platform event format specification and thus has two elements:
  • d - Command data, this is the command's data.
  • ts - Command timestamp. This is an optional element, if included its value should be a valid ISO8601 encoded timestamp string.

DeviceCmd = DeviceCmdId, Json;